Page 10 of Harmless Revenge
Lassiter shook his head. “You military folk always look at everything in worst-case scenario.”
Lassiter had never been in the military. MI-6 was his only training and that’s why he had no problems cutting corners or taking chances—as long as other people were at risk. Sean was former Army and with Randy being a former SEAL, they both knew too well what could go wrong.
“It’s one way to make sure we arrive alive,” Sean said.
He didn’t mind taking chances, but he really did not like the idea of a suicide mission. This definitely had those markings and not for anything noble. Saving a life, that would have been worth it, but for money—no matter how much—he wasn’t sure this was worth it.
“I wouldn’t send you if I thought there was a chance you’d be attacked,” his boss said, his voice as cool as it had been over the last year. Sean had started working for him when he and Jaime had broken it off. Well, more like she had broken it off, and Sean had left MI-6 for a fresh start. Lassiter apparently blamed Sean, even though he was the one who had wanted more. At least Lassiter had hired him outright.
“What is actually the reason we are going?” Young asked. His new partner was definitely not sold on the mission.
Sean paused. “We’re going after missionaries?”
“They need transportation out. I had one of their friends contact me. He is the one promising the money.”
“Who is after missionaries?” Young asked.
“They aren’t your average missionaries. Rich do-gooders who have caught the attention of an Islamic terrorist group. MILF.”
“MILF?” Sean asked.
“The Moro Islamic Liberation Front.”
“And I take it they want the young do-gooders’ money,” Young said.
Sean nodded. Kidnappings were on the rise in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, even if the kidnappers were paid on time, the chances their prey was still alive was slim to none. Still, most people would take that chance if it meant saving a loved one.
“But, no contact?” Young asked.
“Sean knows the area.”
Young glanced at him. It was the first time since they had been sitting side-by-side in front of Lassiter’s desk that he had. The full attention of those deep blues short-circuited his brain for a few seconds.
“Do you think it’s worth it?”
Sean shrugged then looked at Lassiter. “You said they are in hiding? No one has found them?”
Lassiter nodded. “Being rich does have its benefits, and they have paid people well to hide them.”
Young read over the report and nodded. “Yeah. Doesn’t mean I like it. The area we are going into is overwhelmed with terrorist groups. They use it as a training area. Hell, so did we.”
“Legally?” Sean asked.
Young’s lips twitched. “No comment.”
“The other problem is the coverage in the area. I know this area. Cell sucks and even satellite reception has issues. We get stuck, there might be no way to get out.”
Apparently, Lassiter had had enough. “I’m pretty sure I can find someone else to handle it for the money, but, you two are my best bets.”
Sean glanced at Young and nodded again. “I can handle the money and the situation.”
Young’s eyes twinkled as his lips curved. “Most definitely.”
Sean just hoped once they got to where they were going, they got out free and fast.