Page 14 of Harmless Revenge
“And, up in cattle country, it could be a long drive to the hospital. You learn how to fix things like this.”
He threaded the needle as if trained and Randy swallowed. He had hunted the Taliban, faced down more than one insurgent in Iraq, but fucking needles freaked him the fuck out.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”
The double entendre surprised a laugh out of him.
“I just have this thing with needles.”
“Yeah. My mom did too. She would freak out if there was even mention of a needle.”
“She died a few years ago.”
And it was a soft spot for the big Hawaiian. He heard it in Kaheaku’s voice that he still missed his mother. Dammit, it only made him even more attractive.
Over the next few minutes, they didn’t speak. Kaheaku worked the needle in and out of his skin as Randy did his best not to vomit or, worse, pass out. When Kaheaku finally finished, Randy released a breath he did not know he had been holding.
“Take the bed and catch a few minutes. I’ll survey the perimeter.”
He opened his mouth, but Sean shook his head. “You need to rest up and then you can take over. I want to make sure you don’t get an infection. I am not about to carry your ass out of here.”
He smiled and watched as Kaheaku packed away the medical supplies.
“I’ll hunt up some drinking water so you can take a couple of ibuprofen.”
He nodded and didn’t argue. Kaheaku left him alone. He sat down on the bed and looked around. Damn, he was getting old if one little flesh wound had him down for the count.
There was one thing that was for sure, once he got a hold of Royce Lassiter, he was going to beat the shit out of the man.
Three hours later, Sean kept watch by the window. Night had fallen quickly and though it seemed their tail had disappeared, something was wrong. There was something really off about this assignment from the start, and it was going downhill fast.
Young shifted on the mattress, drawing Sean’s attention. He walked over and looked down at his partner. He had checked under the bandage in the last hour, and there was no redness around the wound yet. That had eased some of his worries. Now, though, Young didn’t look so hot. Sweat beaded his brow and his skin was flush. Fever had set in, but Sean didn’t think it had to do with the wound. Dammit. Could anything else go wrong?
This assignment was definitely fucked.
For a full two days, Sean was stuck at the hotel. Randy’s fever kept him in bed for twenty-four hours. He could have left him, and Randy had tried to get him to go, but it was too dangerous. Randy would be left with no way of defending himself. When the fever finally broke, he could barely get the energy to move. It took another twenty-four hours before Sean was able to leave so he could contact Lassiter.
“I should be back within a few hours. Hopefully, I can get a hold of Lassiter without too much trouble.”
Randy nodded. “Tell him I’m not all that thrilled working for him.”
“Will do.”
But he hesitated.
“Go. I can deal with the situation.”
He did as Randy ordered and started off to the nearest town. He needed to get somewhere with good cell reception. Sean knew he had limited time before he was recognized, and he also had limited time he could leave Randy. He had to admit; it hadn’t been as uncomfortable as he thought it would be. Caring for someone he wasn’t really familiar with should have been awkward, but it wasn’t. They seemed to have a connection. Most of it probably had to do with the situation. Desperate times and close quarters helped diminish any normal barriers. Sean figured they would sort out what it meant between them later.
He didn’t have to go into Bulusan, but he knew he needed to get as close as possible. And they needed to get the fuck away from there. They were very close to an active volcano and, going by the rest of the mission, Sean didn’t want to take any chances.
As soon as the satellite phone picked up a signal, he dialed Lassiter. They weren’t supposed to have support, but he knew his boss would want to hear from them. Lassiter picked up on the first ring.
“Where the fuck are you?” Lassiter growled into the phone.