Page 34 of Harmless Revenge
Randy chuckled as he stroked her ass with a sweet caress, soothing the tender skin. With Sean’s arm over her and Randy, she laid her head on Randy’s chest and fell asleep.
Sean splashed water on his face to wake himself up. He awoke from a dream he couldn’t remember, but he knew it had to do with Emma. She had been in some kind of danger, and he remembered running through hallways searching for her. She had been screaming for him. His pulse still hammered in his throat, and it was made worse by the fact that he couldn’t get hold of her.
Where was she?
After the panic had dissolved, he knew he wouldn’t get back to sleep. So, he’d slipped out of bed and went back to his own room to clean up.
As he dried off his face, he realized there was a reason people had been worried about him. He’d never had an issue with his weight, but he had dropped at least ten pounds. It showed in his face. Damn, he had to get this crap cleared up and get on with his life. Too many times he had put it on hold; but now, he wanted a future. He wasn’t sure where the three of them were going. Thinking about it would lead to hoping and, at the moment, Sean just didn’t have the energy to do that. Not with what was hanging over his head at the moment. Before he took on two more people in his life, he needed to protect the one who meant more than anyone else at the moment.
He went to his closet as the memories of his first days with Emma washed over him.
“Get in the car,” he said, as he glanced from side to side, making sure no one had followed them. Of course, the young woman ignored him and disagreed with him.
“I don’t understand why I need to go with you. I was doing fine on my own.”
He heard the irritation in her voice, but there was something else.
“You were doing so well that you were kidnapped.” Still, she didn’t move. “Let me put it this way, sweetheart. Get in the car, or I put you in the car.”
She studied him for a long moment, then she did as he ordered. Once they were both situated in the car, he started it up.
“It would save a lot of time, if you would just do as I say,” Sean said.
She narrowed her eyes, but he ignored her as he pulled out into traffic. He needed to contact Lassiter and find out just what the hell was going on. Then he needed to find out just who the hell this tiny bundle of energy was to him. There had to be a reason he had been requested for the job.
“Do you even know where you are going?”
He didn’t respond. He focused on driving them through the insanity of Bangkok traffic. One wrong move and they would be dead.
“Sean?” she demanded.
“Do you know where you are going?”
“The airport. Then we are getting out of here.”
She said nothing as he flew through another red light. He didn’t know how much time they had before they would go unnoticed.
“Why would I go to the airport with you?”
“I have a feeling the guys who kidnapped you were not doing it to get to know you. I have a private plane I chartered, and we are getting the fuck out of Bangkok.”
She opened her mouth to complain again, he was sure, but he stopped her.
“Listen, I am going to get us to safety. Then, from there you can decide if you want to tag along or not. But, I can guarantee you, those men weren’t going to continue to play nice, if they had been. Soon, you probably would have been sold off.”
“Oh, I doubt that.”
“Why would you say that?”
“My mind is worth more on the open market than my body.”
Sean shook his head as he stepped into a pair of loose fitting pants. The woman was a handful, but then, she had been worth it. He would put up with all the trouble that had exploded in his life just for her. None it had been her fault and Sean didn’t believe in killing the messenger.
He made his way down the hall as quietly as possible. He stopped at the doorway to the guest room and looked in. Randy and Jaime lay in bed, their bodies entwined. It was so hard to force himself to walk away. He wanted to slip beneath the sheets and snuggle up to the two of them. But, he also knew he had unfinished business before he could commit to anything.