Page 36 of Harmless Revenge
That might have been true, but Randy knew there was something else there too. He was trying to keep himself separate, but Randy wasn’t going to allow that. Without waiting for an invitation, Randy opened the door to the shower and stepped in.
Sean’s gaze moved down Randy’s body. Just that one little look had Randy’s cock jerking.
“I see you still live up to your name,” Sean said as his mouth curved.
Fuck. All the man had to do was give him a look and say a few words, and he was ready to suck him off. It had been that way from the first. Both of them had forgotten how much they wanted—needed—each other. It’s why they screwed up their relationship before.
Moving closer, he pressed against Sean, gyrating his hips so his cock caressed Sean’s ass. He was wet and so fucking sexy; Randy didn’t know how he could ever have walked away from him. Add in the sweetness he hid from other people and he was too much to resist.
“Hmm,” Sean said as he dropped the sponge and leaned against the wall. The water hit Randy, making both of their bodies even slicker. Randy reached around to wrap his hand around Sean’s cock. Randy stroked him a few times before the door opened behind them. They both turned around to find Jaime standing there wearing her favorite red kimono.
“So, a girl gets a little rest and boys run away to play?”
Randy chuckled. “I thought you needed rest.”
She shook her head and undid her robe, letting it fall to the floor. She stepped in the shower.
“By all means, continue,” she said with a smile.
Randy looked at Sean, who met his gaze. He released Sean’s cock and turned him around. Backing Sean up against the wall, Randy ignored the water and kissed him. He put everything he had been feeling in the last few moments into the kiss. Sean responded immediately, his tongue thrusting into Randy’s mouth as he reached around to grab his ass. Sean pressed them closer, their cocks sliding against each other.
“Oh, my,” Jaime said, her voice a bit breathless.
Sean tore his mouth away from Randy’s and looked at her. “This doesn’t bother you that we were in here by ourselves?”
She shrugged as her gaze moved down their bodies, then back up to meet Randy’s. She looked at Sean again.
“No. No more than it would if Randy had found me bent over the bathroom counter as you fucked me. Share and share alike.”
Sean hesitated, then he groaned and turned back to Randy. This time, Sean unleashed the hunger he had been feeling, and it hit Randy like a hurricane. Randy tilted his head to one side to allow Sean deeper access to his mouth.
When Sean finally pulled back, they were both breathing heavily. They turned together to look at Jaime. She had her hand between her thighs stroking her pussy.
“Now, who gave you permission for that, Jaime?” Randy asked.
“Get that hand off our pussy,” Sean said.
She hesitated, then relinquished to their command.
Randy looked at Sean and he nodded, giving Randy the lead this time. Fuck, playing opposite of Sean with Jaime was beyond anything he could have dreamed of. Jaime turned him on, but the other level was enjoying her sensual torture with another man.
Jaime was frowning at them as she tried to close her legs, but Randy shook his head.
“Nope. Keep those legs wide. Sean and I like looking at our pussy. And put your hands on the bench beside you.”
She did as he ordered. Water was sluicing down her body, dripping from her nipples. Sean moved foreword to lick the water from one of her nipples.
“I always thought you were a voyeur,” Randy said. “Now I have confirmation.”
Sean straightened and waited for Randy to make the next command. They hadn’t really spoken of how to handle the situation with two Doms in the mix. It was as if they could tell what the other was thinking.
“Jaime,” Randy said. “Open that sexy mouth of yours.”
She did and he nodded to Sean. He stepped forward and she took his cock in her mouth. Randy took her hand and wrapped it around his cock. She sucked Sean over and over as she slid her hand over Randy’s cock. The water made it easy for her to do what was needed. Sean stepped back and let Randy closer. She took Randy into her mouth and he almost came. Sean was watching; his gaze transfixed on what Jaime was doing to him. The dual assault on his senses almost had him coming. But, he didn’t want that. He wanted to go beyond what they had done before. He pulled back, and Jaime moaned in unhappiness.
“Ah, I like hearing that,” Randy said as he bent down to kiss her. Sean did the same as they turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. They took their time drying her. Sean took her front and Randy took her back.
“I bet you know this, Sean, but she does like to be touched and teased.”