Page 45 of Harmless Revenge
She shook her head trying to bring her mind back to the present discussion. “Sorry.”
“No worries, as Sean always says. But if you were thinking what I think you were thinking, you must tell me everything in vivid detail.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
She couldn’t help but laugh. This is why she had been drawn to Randy. He could always make her smile, no matter what situation they were in. Even in the worst situation, he would coax a chuckle out of her.
“Then tell me what you were talking about.”
She thought through their conversation. “You said there was something or someone else this was about. More than likely, it has to do with family or what he calls his Ohana, these people he knows here.”
Randy nodded. “That’s true. It’s not like we’re the only ones in the business he knows. And, he has that ranch his uncle used to own, the one over on the Big Island. Something might be up with that.”
“Cowboys in danger?”
He flashed her a smile. “Eli St. John owns the ranch now.”
The name sounded familiar and then it clicked. Tall, built, blond hair. He was a Dom with a lethal smile and a taste for all kinds of women—until recently. She’d heard he had gotten married. “Oh, yeah, I remember him. Former Special Forces for the Aussie Army.”
He nodded. “I know that he is very close to Eli and his new wife. He’s related to her in some kind of way. Of course, there is always Ali.”
She grunted at the name. She didn’t really know the woman, but Jaime did not like her. Or rather, she knew Ali didn’t like her, so she thought it fair to reciprocate. Of course, turning down Sean’s marriage proposal probably gave Ali some justification.
“I don’t think we will need her help.”
Randy chuckled. “No, but she does have issues, and Sean was like a brother to her. Granted, her husband can take care of anything that comes up, and so can Micah?—”
“Micah as in Rough ‘n Ready?”
“Yeah. He’s Ali’s brother-in-law. She’s married to his wife’s brother.”
All the connections were starting to make her head spin. “Hmm, the world is indeed small.”
“I agree. There is something else going on, something else driving him. At the moment, pressing him for more answers isn’t going to help, but he’s promised them. So, why not just enjoy our life right now. We’re staying at a million dollar home on one of the best beaches in the world. We are having amazing sex, and pretty soon, Sean will tell us everything.”
She knew he was right and nodded. But even as she lay beside him enjoying the heat of the sun on her skin, Jaime knew something bad was right around the corner. One of the things that had kept her alive more than once during her life was her sixth sense. When trouble was approaching, she knew before anyone else did. But, for the moment, Jaime would let things slide. She made herself one promise right then, though.
Blood or no blood, she would kill Royce if anything happened to Sean.
Sean paced the kitchen, his office, and around the pool. He couldn’t seem to sit still. He wondered if this was what it was like for parents? Other than his mother, he had never had any close relatives, but now all he could think about was what could go wrong. Waiting on the plane to return was one of the most frightening experiences in his life.
“Would you quit milling around?” Jaime said.
He stopped and looked at her. From the way her eyes were narrowed, Sean could tell she was irritated. “What?”
“You’re driving me bloody mental. All this walking around, here and there, mumbling under your breath.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but he heard the beep from the intercom at the gate. He strode to the box.
“It’s me.”
No need for him to say it was Del. There was no way to mistake the growl from the intercom. He buzzed him in.
“Well, he’s rude,” Jaime said, walking up behind him and crossing her arms beneath her breasts.