Page 5 of Harmless Revenge
She felt his gaze flicker over her and, all of a sudden, she was in the corner again. He leaned down as he pressed his body against hers. It was impossible to ignore his erection. Jaime curled her fingers into her palm to keep from reaching out and stroking it.
He tugged on her earlobe, then said in a whisper, “We are going to finish it. I said that it wasn’t just for safety. And even doubting me will get your ass smacked red.”
“What if I say no?”
“You won’t.”
“But if I do?”
He shrugged. “Then, I walk away. But I promise you, I’ll do my best to convince you.”
Before she could respond, he moved away and the doors opened. Bloody hell, she had to get away from the man. He was making her like the sound of being spanked. She had always been open about her sexuality, but that had never been on the agenda. With him, though, it sounded splendid.
No. She could stop it. She could walk away and keep her sanity intact. As she stepped out of the lift, she glanced at him. The same knowing smile curved his lips and he winked at her.
Bloody hell, she was truly fucked.
As Sean followed Jaime into the hotel, his hands were practically shaking with need. That one little taste had his body raring to go. Of course, the lady in question was not really in the mood to discuss it. Since he had told her exactly what he was going to do to her, she had ignored him. He had wanted to flirt in the car on the way back, but he knew that even the slightest teasing would set him off. For a man who prided himself on his control, that was saying a lot.
They walked silently down the hall. There would be no debriefing tonight. Just in case something had gone wrong, Lassiter would not make contact. He had people at the hotel making sure they made it back unscathed. And they had, to an extent. Those few minutes with her had him ready to beg her for another chance.
He pulled out his key card and slipped it into the slot. Then, he held the door open and let her walk in. Damn, he could smell her. There was the scent of her perfume or soap or whatever. Roses. But then, the tantalizing aroma of her arousal still clung to her. And to him. Fuck, every time he swallowed he could taste her.
He let the door slam shut behind him and didn’t move. He couldn’t. Being this close to the bedrooms was a temptation. Well, fuck, being close to flat surfaces was enough to tempt him.
“When will we talk to Lassiter?” she asked.
She was looking out the window with her back to him. Sean frowned. She sounded as if she had gone back to her business-minded self. He did not like that one bit.
“Tomorrow or maybe Sunday. Unless there is an issue, we won’t hear.”
“Isn’t that odd for a spy organization?”
He shook his head. “Legally, we are just contractors. The less contact we have, the easier it is for him to use us over and over.”
Jaime nodded, but did not look at him. It was beyond irritating now.
The woman was almost as stubborn as he was. “Look at me.”
At first, she did not move. She seemed to freeze for one long moment. Sean ground his teeth, and she took her time to do as he ordered.
Damn, that sassy tone and her narrowed gaze should make him want to walk away. It didn’t. She was a woman who presented all kinds of complications. He knew they would pair up well for work, and they had proven it tonight. Adding sex would only muddy the waters.
His raging hard-on didn’t seem to give a fuck.
“Well, what?” he asked, trying to remember if she had asked him something. Jesus, he had no blood left in his brain. That could be the only explanation. He was amazed he was still able to form syllables.
“You said to look at you. I did. Now you’re staring at me as if I’ve grown a second head.”