Page 50 of Harmless Revenge
“Right, then, what’s the plan?” Jaime asked.
Randy looked at Sean and understood immediately what he had planned on doing. His heart sank, and he understood why Sean wouldn’t discuss the future yet. He had a plan that might make that impossible.
“Now it’s time I get used as bait.”
Jaime’s heart seemed to stop beating the moment Sean said those words. Pain reverberated from her chest, and spots appeared before her eyes. The room started to spin as she blinked, trying to control the onslaught of fear that pummeled at her. She realized she was holding her breath. It took tremendous effort on her part, but she finally gulped in air. Randy must have sensed her distress because he trailed his fingers down her spine. Usually, that gave her support, let her know that everything was going to be okay. This time, she knew Randy would side with Sean. And Sean, well, he had lost his bloody fucking mind.
“What the bloody hell are you talking about?”
Sean shared a glance with his sister, which ticked her off even more. This woman wasn’t a romantic rival, but they had a connection Jaime could not deny. And she was left out of it. He had kept that bit of information from her—just like he always did. There was part of her that understood why he did it, but her heart didn’t want to be reasonable. It wanted to shout and scream. Instead, she curled her fingers into her palms.
“If the bastard is here, the best way to pull him out of hiding is to give him a target. Me.”
“It should be easy enough for him to find you,” Randy said. “Why wouldn’t he just come after you here?”
Sean shrugged. “He might, but I have a feeling that’s too easy for him.”
“He would never do that. It would be a last resort,” Emma said.
Jaime scowled at the younger woman, who just smiled back at her. “Is that a fact?”
If she caught the sarcasm, Emma never let on. “Yes. Letov is seriously insane, but the one thing that has been driving him the last few years was paying Sean back. He will not show his hand if he doesn’t have a need to. Using Sean as bait is the best way to get him to do that. He will be watching his every move. Coming here would be dangerous. This is Sean’s territory.”
“Why do you think that?” Randy asked as he slipped a hand down her spine again. Emma followed the action then looked at Sean. They shared another private look; she turned back to Jaime.
“I think that he would not want to come here. It’s Sean home base. Plus, it isn’t good for us to sit around. We have been doing that too long. It doesn’t bother me, but it is driving Sean into doing stupid things.”
There was no doubting from the tone in her voice the barb had been meant for Jaime and Randy.
“So, you just want to go out and hope he abducts you?” Jaime asked, embarrassed that her voice had risen. Way to show how professional she was.
Sean shook his head. “No, that’s not the plan at all. I take it that Letov knows my habits, knows I’ll end up at Rough ‘n Ready. It would take just a couple of nights before he’d pop up.”
“Absolutely not.”
Sean blinked and confusion filled his gaze. Dammit, he really didn’t understand. After everything they had been through, he was just ready to offer himself up on a platter. Worse, he expected her to just go along with it.
“Jaime, I have it under control.” He had gentled his tone as if he were talking to someone on the edge about to go over, which she was. She had just gotten him back, and now he expected her to give him up. “We’ll go in with mics, and I’ll have a GPS tracker on.”
Emma took over for her brother, but she didn’t even try to soften her voice. “I will take care of all that. We’ve been thinking the man would show up here for months. Now we can back him in the corner, and we can all go back to our normal lives.”
“I will not allow it,” Jaime said before she could stop herself.
She could not seem to get her emotions back under control. Everyone stilled and looked at her. Jaime could feel every bit of her control snapping under the pressure. A man who had tried to kill both of them before was hell bent on killing Sean. The idea of dangling him like a big, juicy piece of meat for Letov to come eat was not acceptable.
“Babe, it’s the only way to do it,” Randy said. He didn’t look any happier with the situation than she was, but he was going along with it just like Jaime had thought.
“There has to be a different way,” she said. Jaime knew she was grasping at straws, but she didn’t give a bloody damn.
Sean went to her and took her hand. “There isn’t.”
“You could just go into hiding.”
Even she could hear the desperation in her voice, but she didn’t care. She was desperate. Jaime knew she wasn't being rational. She didn’t give a bloody damn.
“That won’t help the situation.”