Page 59 of Harmless Revenge
“Where’s my house guest, boss?” she asked.
“In the truck,” he said, stepping up on her front stoop.
She blinked and looked at him, then she snorted.
“Uh, who beat the hell out of you?”
It was then that he realized he had just fully stepped into the light. Damn, as soon as he told her, it would be texted out to the members of the team. He was never going to fucking live this down. Hell, he would be lucky if they kept it within the confides of the team. Knowing Adam, everyone in his family would get the info too.
“Never mind. I just wanted to tell you Emma is going to stay with me.”
“I can handle her.”
He chuckled. “Not sure anyone can really handle Emma.”
Her mouth curved. “So that’s the way of it?”
The moment he got the meaning of her comment, he wanted to kick himself in the ass. He did not need his team speculating on why he wanted Emma at his house. No, wait. He didn’t want her at his house. It was just that he knew she was tense about dealing with a new person after everything she had been through.
“No. Emma has issues with new people and places. She’s just more comfortable with me.”
The look Cat gave him told Del that she didn’t believe him. That made her a good detective, but it wouldn’t make his life any easier. There was one thing about Cat though. She was smart enough not to say anything about it.
“Tomorrow night I’m going to be at headquarters…something on the side, and Emma will be there. If you can spare some time on a Saturday night, I would really appreciate it. Adam is working too, but I know we’ll need backup.”
She nodded. “You got it, boss.”
“Thanks. I’ll text you the info.”
He turned and walked back to the truck. Without looking, he knew Cat was already texting the rest of the team about his injury. Sure enough, his phone beeped signaling a text. He glanced at the message from second in command Adam Lee.
So, I understand there’s a woman who can kick your ass and you’re taking her home. -Adam
Cat was going to be pulling graveyard shift for the next three months. The woman could never seem to keep her mouth shut. He could trust her with work, but personal things…well; his whole fucking team was bad. They were worse than all the gossiping biddies at his grandmother’s retirement home. The next week was going to suck.
He opened the door and hopped into the truck. Del was about to say something to Emma when he realized she had fallen asleep. In the weak streetlight, he could see the smudges beneath her eyes. She had spent more than one night burning the midnight oil; that was for sure. Knowing what little he did about her personality, Del had a feeling that her preoccupation with helping Sean had kept her up. There was a good chance that no matter whenever she was obsessing over something, she would have lots of sleepless nights. The fact that he wanted to know more about her was slightly disturbing. Prickly, obsessed women were not his thing. Ever. Still, she intrigued him enough to know that after this was done—and if she stuck around—he would definitely try to get to know her better.
With a sigh, he started up his truck and headed to his condo in Hawaii Kai. It was going to be one damn long day tomorrow.
The first thing Sean felt the next morning were hands moving over his body. He had barely opened his eyes to see the first twinkle of sunlight, and he was thrown into morass of lust. Fingers skimmed, palms pressed, tongues and mouths tasted and licked. With a groan, he closed his eyes and arched up off the bed. They continued their assault, teasing him. He opened his eyes and found Randy and Jaime roaming over his body. They were both naked, just as he was. None of them really saw the reason to wear clothes to bed.
Jaime had his cock in her hand, sliding up and down before she took his erection in her mouth. Randy made his way up to Sean’s mouth.
“Morning, babe.”
“Morning,” he said. Randy kissed him, sucking Sean’s tongue into his mouth. Over and over, he tugged on Sean’s tongue; mimicking the blowjob Jaime was giving him. They continued like that, slow and easy, both of them fucking him with their mouths. Sean shivered as Jaime grazed the very tip of his cock with her teeth. She gave the crown of his penis one last swirling lick before she kissed her way up his body. By the time she reached his mouth, Randy moved away, giving her access to Sean’s mouth. As she took over, Randy kissed his way down to Sean’s cock.
As a Dom, Sean wasn’t accustomed to being taken over. He planned the seduction, took charge, and handled everything. He had never been surprised like this by anyone. He couldn’t seem to grasp onto a thought at the moment. In this one moment, they gave him something he had never experienced. He could just lay back and feel.
Randy slipped his hand up to Jaime’s head and threaded his fingers through her hair. She smelled of roses and seduction…nothing had been as sweet. Or so he thought, until Randy started to deep throat him. Sean felt the back of Randy’s throat and almost came. The man was a fucking demon with that mouth. He knew just how much to push Sean, and Randy loved a cock in his mouth. Next, he added his hand to Sean’s shaft, stroking him. Fuck. Sean tore his mouth away from Jaime’s.
“Fuck, yeah,” were the only words he could come up with.
Freed from the kiss, Jaime took advantage of the opportunity. She rose to her knees, lifted her leg and set it on the other side of his face so she straddled him. Without hesitation, she set her pussy down on his mouth. Taking hold of her ass, he pressed her dripping sex against his mouth. Over and over, he fucked her with is tongue. She moved with him, her moans growing louder and louder with each passing minute. The taste of her danced over his taste buds as he slipped a finger between her cheeks and teased her anus. Just one touch jolted her, then she pressed down harder. She had been wet, but now she was dripping with it.