Page 63 of Harmless Revenge
Randy leaned closer and brushed his mouth over Sean’s. “We definitely do. And if we had a doubt before, I think we proved that over the last couple of days.”
Sean gave him a fleeting smile before it faded. “I guess I need to go talk to her.”
Randy shook his head. “Just go sit with her. That’s all she needs.”
Sean started walking then stopped. “Are you coming?”
“In minute,” Randy said. “You go.”
Sean nodded and walked over to her. He sat down on the lounger next to hers and said nothing, but he took her hand in his. Randy sighed, happiness filtering through him. The dreams he and Jaime had been talking about for the last few months might just come true. Once tonight was done, they would be able to move on and be happy. And that is all any of them wanted.
The moment they walked into Rough ‘n Ready, Sean started having doubts. It was Saturday and it was packed. And the truth was, he had moved away from the lifestyle, finding some pleasure in the act, but he’d distanced himself from playing. Right now, all he cared about was Randy and Jaime, and he knew it would take them awhile to figure out just how they moved on from where they were. Although, they had pretty much worked those things out through the last couple of days.
Micah Ross, one of the owners of the club, wandered over to them. Native American, well over six feet, and what most people would call the ultimate Dom, people moved out of his way as he maneuvered over to them. By the time Micah reached them, Sean could feel heat crawling up his neck. He was starting to remember bits and pieces from his last visit a few nights ago. If Micah wasn’t a friend, Sean would probably have been banned from the club.
“Nice to see you’re here…and sober.”
His humor had a warning edge to it. He glanced over to the bar and saw Ross’ wife Dee was working. “No problems tonight. Promise.”
He looked past him to Randy and Jaime. “So, you found him?”
“Yes.” Jaime’s answer was rude and curt. Damn, the woman was usually one of the best field operatives. The fact that she couldn’t seem to keep her tongue in control in public was a bad sign.
One eyebrow rose. “And apparently, you’re still working things out.”
Sean shook his head. “Kind of crowded tonight.”
“Don’t worry. Del called, explained that you needed a private table. You get the owner’s table tonight.”
They followed him. He gave Dee a wave as they walked past the drink area. Since alcohol had been banned about a year ago, Sean must have been lit when he showed up the other night. He was damned lucky he hadn’t killed someone on his way over to the club.
He noted a few familiar faces as they followed Micah through the throng. The club had always appealed to him on so many levels, especially the furnishings. It was an expensive club, and it showed as they walked through. When they arrived at the circular booth, Micah leaned down and pulled the table out.
They settled in the booth, Jaime sitting in the middle. He had been back there a few times. The high-backed booths had a great view of the premiere play room. It was the one Micah and Ethan would have occupied on a regular basis, but now that they were married, he knew it didn’t happen that often anymore. He scanned the gathering looking for anyone who stood out. Most everyone fit in, but that was the problem. If the person Letov sent for him understood the lifestyle and knew how to dress, they would blend easily.
A sub he knew stopped by the table.
“Evening, Liz,” he said with a smile.
The sassy transplant from the East Coast grinned. “Evening. I heard you put on quite a show the other night.”
“Yeah.” He noticed Randy and Jaime studying the respiratory therapist. While they were both members, they did not come to the club that often. In fact, they rarely spent time in Hawaii. “Liz McChesney, meet my friends Randy Young and Jaime Alexander.”
She smiled and her blue eyes twinkled. “Nice to meet both of you.” She turned her attention to Sean. “I take it you aren’t here to play tonight?”
He shook his head. “No, sorry.”
“Well, if you change your mind, I’m over there with some friends.” She pointed to a table with several women, who apparently were watching the byplay.
He leaned forward and brushed his lips over her cheek. “You know I will.”
She walked off, gaining more than a few glances from some of the Doms.
“She’s kind of bold for a sub,” Jaime said, watching the woman walk away.
He shouldn’t be pleased that she was so jealous, but he couldn’t help it. It was nice to know that she still got upset. She had always been a woman who could control the show of her emotions. It was one of the reasons it made Jaime so good at undercover.
“First, she is very good once you get her in the room. The woman has a thing for being spanked by anything from a crop to a cat ‘o nines. You know I don’t like wimpy subs. Just not my thing.”