Page 65 of Harmless Revenge
“It is a fire regulation, Conner,” Micah said shaking his head.
“What?” Randy asked.
“They took him,” Micah said.
Everything seemed to freeze in that moment, and the air backed up in her lungs.
The burner phone Del gave them went off. Randy answered. “Okay, you have a hit on where they are going?”
He listened as Jaime’s heart raced out of control.
“Okay. Send them as you get them. We’ll go on your command.”
“Clothes are in the back room. You can change here.”
“No, we need to stop them.”
Randy grabbed her. “No, we need to let him get to where they are taking him. You know Letov isn’t here. And you know he had your father. You know that was Sean’s plan. We need to follow it, or someone will get hurt. Sean or your father.”
She closed her eyes and counted backwards from ten. Then opened them. Randy studied her for a moment longer, kissed her, then released her. “Hurry up. We need to get on our way.”
She nodded and went into battle mode, as the men discussed the situation and the direction of the GPS tracker. Jaime knew the only way to get through this was concentrate on the job.
As soon as they had Sean and Royce back, then she could fall apart. Right now, she thought about making Letov cry, and making sure she could take a video for Emma.
They were headed out of the city via Likelike Highway when Emma called.
“Where are you?” she asked over Jaime’s phone.
“Put it on speaker,” Jaime said. Randy had told her to drive because she was much better at it than he was. He clicked on the speaker.
“Where is he, Emma?” Randy asked.
“It looks like they’re headed to Kahuku,” Emma said over Jaime’s phone.
“Fuck.” Randy knew the area, knew it wasn’t easy to handle at night. Hell, it was one of the reasons the military trained there from time to time. The terrain was a bitch.
“What?” Jaime asked, not taking her eyes off the road. It wasn’t busy this late at night, but the higher elevations of Likelike got rain, and left the roads slick.
“Lots of jungle. At least, that’s the way it looks,” Emma said. “And they are already there, which means they flew that way.”
“Wait, I think I have it,” a voice said.
“Who the bloody hell is that?” Jaime asked, as she sped up to get around a slow moving minivan.
“It’s Adam. He works with Del, who has the coordinates too. He’s probably about ten minutes behind you.”
“What were you saying, Adam?” Randy asked.
“Kahuku has a lot of forest area, but the road they are taking leads to one house. A compound really.”
Jaime shook her head. “Only in Hawaii. A compound in the middle of the jungle.”
She took an exit, following the directions from the phone.
“You need to wait until Del gets there. He said that several times,” Adam said.