Page 68 of Harmless Revenge
Randy undid Royce’s hands and helped him to his feet. “He needs more help than Sean. I’ve got him.”
She nodded and went to Sean. They were almost out the door when she heard something behind her. She looked behind her and saw Letov heading to the table. Without hesitation, she shot him in the shoulder, but not before he hit a button on the bomb. It didn’t explode, but she heard the ticking. He’d set it to explode.
Letov fell to the floor.
“Is he dead?” Randy asked.
“Who cares? Let’s get out of here before that blows.”
They rushed out as fast as they could. It wasn’t easy since Royce was a dead weight and Sean was injured. Suddenly, she heard shots from behind them, and knew that Letov was still alive.
“Go,” she yelled at Randy. She let go of Sean and pushed him in the back. “Go on, I’ve got this.”
Every bit of Sean’s body was throbbing as they cleared the front lanai and rushed out into the yard. Shots rang out behind them as Randy helped Royce. Jaime was right behind them, protecting their back. He tried to turn and see what was happening, but Randy was moving too fast, urging him on. Smoke filled the area as the Task Force Hawaii members were running toward them.
Suddenly, it was as if the heavens had erupted behind them, lighting up the sky. Heat singed his back. He tried to turn around.
“No,” Jaime yelled. “Run, Sean. Don’t look back.”
The last explosion threw them all forward. Randy and Lassiter stumbled, and both of them fell to the ground. Using what energy he had left, he helped Randy up, who then grabbed Lassiter. The four of them made it to the gate, as police vehicles came tearing up the road. Sirens were screaming through the night, cutting into the explosions behind them.
Del was leading the charge as he rushed them.
“We got ya,” he said. “We have injured here,” Del shouted.
Paramedics came rushing toward them, and Sean finally gave into the pain. He closed his eyes as he was laid out on a gurney. Randy was there, his hand in Sean’s.
“Everything is going to be okay.”
He nodded, but he couldn’t open his eyes.
“Not sure, but looks worse than I think it is.”
“You should have waited,” he said.
“Yeah, well, when have I ever done what was expected?”
He wanted to tell him to stop making light of the situation. Both Jaime and he could have been hurt, and what would have happened then? But, the moment he opened his mouth to say it, Jaime returned.
“You’re going to Tripler Army Medical Center.”
Jaime leaned down, cupped his face and kissed him. “It’s over.”
Her voice was filled with relief. Before he could respond, the paramedics returned.
“We need to get him loaded up in the ambulance.”
Jaime nodded and stepped back. “We’ll be there.”
As they lifted him up into the vehicle, Sean looked at Randy and Jaime. They both were covered with mud from their stumble onto the ground. The fact that they were safe was the only thing that kept him from going to find Letov’s corpse and setting it on fire.
They would not have been put in this kind of danger if it hadn’t been for him. As the attendees slammed the doors shut, he watched Randy and Jaime through the windows, his heart heavy. But how much longer would they be safe if they stayed around him?
The rush to get the Tripler ER had left Jaime on edge and had Randy with a headache. When they arrived, Randy wasn’t surprised when they were detained. Since the hospital was an actual Army hospital, it was considered federal land. With no clearance or official military ID, they had to wait. Thankfully, as Jaime called the gate guard some rather vulgar names, a massive Scotsman had shown up, flashed his Task Force badge and got them through. They had followed him to the ER, and then guided them to the entrance.