Page 13 of Harmless Scandals
Adam groaned. “I hate that fucking tone.”
Mick smiled. “What tone?”
“The one that tells me you won’t pay any fucking attention to me at all.”
“I understand your misgivings, and it isn’t like I’m going to march over there today and ask her about joining in with a threesome.”
Adam’s frown eased. “I know that. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”
Mick sighed, knowing that Adam wasn’t being an ass on purpose. It was a knee jerk reaction and Mick understood why. He wished he could make it easier for Adam to accept that someone else might love him the way that Mick did. Raised by an abusive mother, then landing in the foster system when she abandoned him, Adam was very wary of strangers. Of anyone, really. It took Mick years to get him to believe he loved him.
“We’ve talked about a third for the past few years.”
“Yeah and you thought it was Jillian to begin with.”
“Well, she is into the lifestyle.”
“But not for us.”
“And have I talked about it again?”
“Not seriously. And I’m not saying she’s the one, but I like her, and you do too. It is hard to find a woman who both of us like.”
“That’s true.”
“Listen, I’m not saying she’s going to be into it, but it is something we should think about.”
“I don’t know why this is so important to you.”
“To us. Don’t tell me when we play at Rough ‘n Ready it doesn’t get you hotter than when we’re alone. Neither of us enjoy being the sub, but we like to dominate. Having a woman allows that.”
Adam sighed. “I know, but I also think that it can’t be just any woman. It needs to be the right woman.”
“Okay. We need to get to know her better.”
Adam nodded, but he still didn’t look happy about it.
“Hey,” Mick said, pulling him closer, he pressed his mouth against Adam’s. He slipped his tongue inside for a taste, just a taste. He regretfully pulled back because they didn’t have time to play. “One day at a time.”
He nodded. “So, you handle the bedroom? I’ll do the living room.”
“Sounds good.”
He’d throw himself into getting the house in order, then he could start working on a plan to get to know Serenity better.
Four hours later, Adam sat on one of the breakfast bar stools. Every muscle in his body was aching, but the house was starting to come together. “I think we made a big dent in the house today,” Adam said as he took a long swig of beer.
“Yeah,” Mick said looking out the front window.
“Stop doing that.”
“You look like a creeper.”