Page 23 of Harmless Scandals
Mick rose from the couch and easily crossed the floor and kissed Adam. “I thought you might hang out for a little longer.”
“It wasn’t that bad until I went through the tunnels on Pali. It’s insane on the North Shore.”
“Get some dry clothes on and we’ll figure out dinner.”
He nodded, giving Mick another kiss, then he headed to the back of the house. Dammit, why did she find that so damned hot? It was just a little kiss, but since the first time she had seen them, they had been turning her on.
“So, you want to stay for dinner?”
She sighed. “I shouldn’t.”
He smiled. “But you will.”
He already knew her too well. She didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.
“You said get to know you. While I don’t think I’ll ever accept your proposition, I would like to know you better. The last neighbors were horrible, and you two are sweet.”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell Adam.”
“Don’t tell Adam what?”
“I called you sweet.”
He made a face. “We are not sweet.”
Oh, God. He was so irritated it made her want to tease him even more.
“I invited her for dinner. I thought maybe some pasta,” Mick said. Then he looked at her. “You’re not one of those damned anti carbo freaks, are you?”
“I watch them, but I never turn down pasta when it’s cooked by someone else.”
“Great. I thought maybe a Pomodoro sauce would be good.”
She glanced out the window. “It seems to have slowed down out there. I have a cabernet that would go great with that. Let me go pick it up and I’ll be right back.”
She grabbed her coat and slipped on her shoes.
“You don’t have to do that,” Adam said,
She smiled. “It’s the least I can do. Mick gave me coffee and now he’s cooking for me.”
Not waiting for another argument from him, she rushed out the door. As she made her way over to her house, she couldn’t get Mick’s comments out of her head. She had been dreaming of them, thinking about what it would be like to have two men in her bed. Or theirs because hers was kind of small for all three of them.
Good God. No. Just dinner and some conversation with a nice Cab. Then she would come home. That was it.
Adam took a long pull off his longneck as he watched Mick work in the kitchen. As usual, he was humming while he cooked. Adam had never met another human being alive who liked to cook as much as Mick. It was a turn on to watch him move around the kitchen. Tonight, he was suspicious of his mood.
“So, what was going on when I got home?”
Mick glanced over his shoulder, then back to his work.
“We were talking.”