Page 59 of Harmless Scandals
Adam laughed. “Yeah, well so am I. I thought maybe we could go to Koko Head Café, after.”
“After what?”
Mick was already moving into the house.
“After I have a little taste of Serenity.”
He offered her a hand and she smiled. It was all he needed right now.
“Hmm, and I think I need a little taste of Mick and Adam.”
He laughed as he led her back into the house.
Serenity found herself alone on Monday morning. The guys had a job that would keep them off the island overnight. They had tried to talk her into going with them, but she had refrained. It wasn't as though she didn't want to go. In fact, it had taken all of her control not to jump at the chance.
She knew they had both been disappointed with her decision. Hell, so had she, but there were so many reasons for not going. First, they were going to be working the entire time. While a lot of people would prefer to spend time in a big comfy bed and maybe go to the spa, it wasn't her thing. Second, she thought she needed a little separation from Mick and Adam.
She sat on her small lanai, a coffee cup in her hand, and drew in a deep breath. She needed this time to think about them…and about being with them. Never in her life would she have thought she would be in a relationship with two men. One had always been a little too much for her, and now she had two men occupying her time.
What was it about them that drew her in? She couldn't put her finger on it. She had thought maybe it had to do with the fact that their personalities were so different. Mick was open and always looking for a good time. Adam liked to take his time and savor. Two sides to the same coin.
Before she could come up with a definitive answer, her phone rang. She saw her friend Nicola's face and wondered why she was calling her so early in the morning.
“Hey, what are you doing calling me?”
“Well, how nice. Did you get those manners at finishing school?” she asked, laughter filling her voice.
“Sorry. I, never mind. Kind of early for you.”
“I'm not in the states. We’re in Japan.”
“Such a jet setter.”
Nicola snorted. “Right. Anyway, I was calling because it looks like we are going to spend some time in Hawaii.”
Happiness unfurled within her. It had been a long time since they had spent time in person together. “You are? And does this mean the very delicious Jensen Wulf will be accompanying you?”
“You can ask him yourself since you’re on the speaker.”
For a couple of seconds, Serenity said nothing. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Good God, had she really said that and had he heard? Then Nicola burst out laughing.
“Nicola Marie McCann.”
“Sorry. Oh, God, I would have loved to see your face. It must have been priceless.”
“Ha ha.”
It took her another minute or two to calm down. “Yes, Jensen will be with me, so it should be a load of fun.” A healthy dose of sarcasm filled her voice. “But, it looks like we'll be there for at least a month.”
“That sounds great. When?”
“In a few weeks. We haven't secured the entire schedule, and I need to find a rental for us. We should get to spend a lot of time together.”
Serenity didn't have a lot of friends, but she counted Nicola as her best friend. They rarely got to spend any time together. A day here or there, but if Nicola was going to be there for a few weeks, they could really plan some girl days together.