Page 62 of Harmless Scandals
Serenity rolled her eyes. “Okay.”
“I was thinking about you though.”
“Something about me screams ménage?”
“Don't be an idiot. Now, I don't want you to get irritated with me, but I always thought you were starving for love.”
“Starving for love?”
“We talked about this before.”
Nicola had been a sober companion and it spilled over into her personal life at times. “I had love from a lot of my fans.”
“But not from the people who should have offered it up unconditionally.”
Her parents. Her father had disappeared and her mother had used Serenity to make herself rich. In fact, she couldn't remember ever hearing her mother tell her she loved her.
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Go on.”
“You need a man who is going to love you to pieces, and getting involved with two men makes sense to me.”
She rubbed her neck. “I don't know.”
“What's wrong?”
“They overwhelm me at times. They've been together for over five years. Sometimes I feel like an interloper.”
“Has either of them said anything to you about that?”
“No. It all happened so fast.”
“Tell me about them.”
“Mick is sweet. Well, as sweet as a former special forces guy who now works security can be.”
“Jesus, you know how to pick them. And Adam?”
“Not as sweet, but there is this thick layer he uses to hide his vulnerability from the world.”
She didn’t say anything for a long time and that was a bad sign.
“Hmm, sorry. I was thinking.”
“Thinking about what?”
“How long have you known these guys?”
“Over a month. Why?”
“You're in love with them.”
Panic reached up and clawed at her throat. “I am not.” Was she?
“Yes, you are. You know them better than that one dude you dated for six months.”