Page 64 of Harmless Scandals
“I do. Thank you.”
“Love you.”
“Love you back.”
They hung up and Serenity picked up her coffee again, only to find it cold. She went into the house to pour another cup, the conversation playing over in her mind. Nicola was right. She had always been starving for attention and love. It was what had led to her drinking and out of control behavior. More than one person had used her to get things they wanted, whether it was her connections in Hollywood, money, or just free crap. She had been so damned desperate to be accepted, she would have done anything at that point.
Since then, she'd been very careful not to let people know how much she needed that in her life. If she fell in with those people, she might lose control of her life again. This time she might not be able to come back from it whole.
Still, she didn't want to panic. They were having fun, and she was enjoying two interesting men who apparently found her interesting. She'd worry about the future later.
Nicola was right. She did trust them. From the very first, she had never felt threatened or used in any way. It’s why she had been drawn to them to begin with. There was a solid core of good in them. She could depend on both men, no matter what.
And she wanted to find out what submission with these two men would be like.
With that thought, she sat down at her desk and started working on the pictures she had taken the week before. They wouldn’t be back until tomorrow and she would tell them then.
The day after they returned from Kauai, Mick was awake before the sun. He hadn’t slept well, even with Adam beside him. He knew the reason.
As he poured his coffee, he glanced out the window toward Serenity’s house. He had known she was special the first time they'd been together, but she was getting under his skin. After she had told them she wanted to sleep in her own bed, Mick and Adam had returned to their house. Neither of them had been happy about her decision.
She wasn't there and there was something missing.
It had never happened in their relationship. From the time they had moved into a sexual relationship, they enjoyed women, but they could also be together by themselves. Less than a month with Serenity, and they both felt the void.
“You're up early,” Adam said.
He glanced at his lover. Sleepy eyes, bed head, and wearing nothing but a pair of board shorts. It was usually enough to get him going. But now, he wanted to share that with Serenity. She had become a part of their lives and now he was scared he'd made a mistake.
“Uh oh. That's a serious look.”
“What's that mean?” Mick asked.
“It means that you're the pretty one. You don't worry.”
He knew Adam was joking, but he couldn't help but feel irritated.
“And what are you?”
“The smart one.”
When he didn't respond, Adam stopped. “What's up, babe?”
He shrugged and left the kitchen, walking out onto the back lanai. Adam soon followed, his coffee cup in hand.
He came up behind Mick, and rested his chin on his shoulder.
“Spit it out.”
“We have the day off together and I want to relax. I don't want this issue rearing its head. Whatever it is.”
He sighed. Mick could fight him, then they would argue. In the end, he knew he would end up telling Adam.
“I think I'm getting too hung up.”