Page 67 of Harmless Scandals
Oh, God, not good. He was going to drive her insane by touching her in public.
He settled in behind her and she listened as he squirted some of lotion on her back. He set the bottle down and started to rub it in. Just that simple touch had her nipples hardening. She was right. They had both turned her into some kind of a nympho.
“Adam told me he talked to you about Rough ‘n Ready.”
She nodded, unable to speak. His talented fingers slipped over her skin with all that lotion...well, there was only so much a girl could take. She drew her legs up and rested her head on her knees. She just thanked god she had her glasses on. Closing her eyes, she bit her lip to keep from moaning. Mick kept rattling on about the club and how they would get her a pass for the night, and she just wanted to turn around and jump his bones.
“Aren't you Kayleigh Rose?”
She straightened and looked at the young man. He was probably a decade younger than she was, skinny enough a strong wind would blow him away, and he had the tell-tale sign of a haole with a new tan.
She looked up at him trying to ignore the dangerous man behind her. Both men had straightened up and had their full attention on the newcomer.
“Kayleigh who?”
“You know, the Daughter Knows Best show. You are her.”
“Nope. My name's Serenity Jones. But it happens a lot.”
“Are you sure?”
She opened her mouth to respond, but, apparently, Adam had had enough.
“She said she isn't her.”
The young man took a step back. Smart kid.
“No worries. I get people who think I am her all the time. Now if it came with perks, like free drinks, I might go with it, but I rarely get any offers.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry.”
“No problem,” she said to his retreating back.
“You two should be ashamed of yourselves.”
Adam barely glanced at her, then back to the young man, who was now halfway down the beach. “You need to be more careful. I didn’t know you were that well known.”
She shrugged, knowing she had left that part of her life out of most of their conversations on purpose. Apparently, the guys had decided not to snoop. “Not really. I haven't had an incident in years.”
“An incident?” Mick asked as he started to rub lotion on her again.
“Yeah. When the show was doing really well, I would have to fight to keep my privacy. I had one person follow me into the bathroom and stick their camera under the stall door.”
“That really happened?” Adam asked.
She nodded. “It was not fun. It was one of the reasons I walked away from it all.”
“But there were other reasons?”
She hated talking about it. Maybe that was why she rarely had close friends these days. Acquaintances didn't like to ask.
This was different. She was involved with them, and while she had a right to say no, she wanted them to know about that other life. She had kept it to herself for a long time, so it took her a moment or two to gather her courage to talk about it.
“Privacy was one big issue. I also saw the writing on the wall with my career.”
“How so?” Mick asked, finishing off her back then taking his place beside her.