Page 7 of Harmless Scandals
Damn. Well, hell, she had already thought that. She needed another word, but her mind was just a bit blank. The raw sexuality she had just watched left her without the ability to think. Her pulse thundered in her throat as she tried to get her breathing under control. Hell, her nipples were hard and she was damned sure her panties were wet.
Growing up in Hollywood, she had seen a lot of things. So much so, she rarely was shocked or aroused by public displays of affection or nudity. Or really, anything. Of course, that was different from what she had just witnessed. This was love.
She had witnessed the kiss. Affection and lust, need, was all there. It had intrigued her, made her heart do that little skip it always did. It was possibly one of the sexiest kisses she had ever seen. She knew she should have looked away, but then, when the situation had turned carnal, she couldn’t seem to turn away.
Of course, she was turned on by two guys having sex. Figures. Hollywood had warped her. She was a voyeuristic freak. It didn't trouble her that it had been two men. Even through her lens, she could see just how sexy they were, and if she had met them before this incident, she would have found them sexy. Two men who looked like them having sex would turn on anyone with a brain. No, what bothered her was that she was more aroused watching them than she had been the last time she had sex.
She could almost hear them shout as they came. She closed her eyes and counted backwards from ten. Then she did it again. It took her two more times to get her libido under control.
After draining her glass of water, she headed off to the bathroom. An ice-cold shower was definitely in order.
The next morning, Serenity was on her second cup of coffee and steaming through work by eight. Like most mornings, she was up with the sun, but she was a little tired. The visions of her neighbors kept coming to her in dreams. And worse, she could probably pass them on the street and never know it was them. She hadn’t even tried to look at their faces yesterday. That was how much of a perv she was. She could have, if she’d tried, but she hadn’t. Her mother was right, she was probably going to hell.
The morning breeze brought the sound of male voices through her window. At first it was just the rumble of masculine voices, but the closer they got, she picked up on the conversation.
“I say it's kind of like being a stalker,” a man said.
“I say it isn't because we haven't met her. Besides, it's nice to thank someone for food, especially if you want any more of that bread ever again.”
“Good point. Definitely want more of that delicious bread.”
“Even if she had a hairy mole on her chin.”
What the hell did that mean?
A few seconds later, someone knocked on her door. With reluctance, she walked to the door. Normally, it was just dealing with people when she wanted to work. Today, it was something different. She had watched them have sex and now she would have to pretend all was normal. They didn't know what she had seen but she would know. She had never been that good of an actress.
When she approached the door, she felt her body get hot again. She could just imagine the sounds they made during sex. And why was she thinking about that right now? She should be imagining snow. And icebergs.
She drew in a deep breath and then released it slowly before she opened the door.
All thoughts of the coming ice age dissolved at the sight of all the male beauty in front of her.
One had dark blond hair and possessed the most amazing blue eyes. He was wearing a faded t-shirt that seemed to be a size too small. Good god he had muscles. But then, so did the other one. He was just a little taller, had brown hair and the most incredible green eyes. Both were tanned, and smiling.
She almost melted into a big puddle right there at their feet.
“Hey,” the brown haired one said. “We're your neighbors that just moved in.”
Oh, no. His smiled widened and it made him adorable.
“You're my only neighbors,” she said with a chuckle. And because she knew she was being rude, she opened the screen door and stepped out.
His smile transformed into a grin. Oh damn. “My name is Mick and this is Adam.”
She smiled. “My name is Serenity, but I'm sure Jillian told you.”
“No, she didn't. Her brain is kind of mushy,” Mick said.
“She did mention that.”
“We just wanted to thank you for the bread,” Adam said. “It really hit the spot.”
“You ate it all already?”
“We had the coffeemaker unpacked but not much else. We had it for breakfast,” Mick said.