Page 72 of Harmless Scandals
He slipped his hand over her hip, allowing his fingers to linger over her. He knew talking to her like this was turning her on, but he had trapped himself. With each sentence, he saw her reaction, felt it in his core. That only spurred his own arousal. Mick was going to have to drive home.
“Would you like to try that, Serenity? Would you like us to spank you?”
She nodded.
“Would you like to go now?”
She nodded again.
“Well, not just yet. Look, St. John is getting the flogger.”
St. John started using it. With each smack against her ass, Crysta moaned.
“Oh, yeah, she likes that. Just like you will.”
She said nothing, but she shuddered again. The motion had her ass pressing against his cock.
Adam looked over at Mick and found him watching them. He saw the intensity in Mick's eyes and decided it had been long enough.
“Want to go, pet?”
She nodded.
“What will you give me?”
“You want to leave, you need to offer me something. How about you suck my cock with that perfect little mouth of yours?”
“Now? Here?”
Damn, she sounded like she wanted to do that, but he had been honest before. They liked their privacy.
“No, but I think we need to go.”
It wasn’t too hard to get out of the club. Everyone’s attention was on the demonstration. They worked their way through the crowd, then out into the sultry night air. After crossing the street, they found the SUV. Mick climbed into the driver’s seat and Serenity moved to step in. Adam stopped her. He slipped his finger beneath her chin and urged her to look at him. Her eyes were hazy with arousal.
“Are you sure you want to do this? You can say no right now, and there will be no hard feelings.”
“I need a safe word. We aren’t going to do anything radical tonight, but just in case you are overwhelmed, I want you to have a way out.”
He nodded. “Take off your panties.”
Her eyes widened.
“Take them off,” he said, this time a little more forcefully.
She looked around, but then complied with his orders.
“Put them in the front seat. That way Mick can see them.”
She placed them on the front seat, then closed the door.