Page 81 of Harmless Scandals
“You were the tabloid queen at the time.”
She closed her eyes and nodded. When she opened them again, tears spilled down her cheeks. “Yes. I hate that term, but I was. I wanted to do everything bad. I was hell bent on ruining my life.”
“And so, they found you?” Adam asked.
“Of course, they did,” Mick said, irritation dripping from every word.
“What does that mean?” she asked.
“Maybe you wanted a little publicity so that you could get an extra big advance for that book you’re planning. A story like this would definitely garner attention.”
He looked at Mick. “Come on. You know she didn't do it.”
“I don't know anything. You hid all this shit from us for a few months. But that was your plan all along.”
“I didn't try to start up with you. You pursued me, if you recall.”
Mick jerked a shoulder.
“I knew this would happen. You are no different than all the others.”
“Hey, babe,” Adam said and approached her, but she held up her hand.
“No. Just no.” She drew in a deep breath. “My friend Nicola has already been called and, more than likely, my mother will find out about where I am. But Nicola is going to take care of things, or try.”
“And how can she do that? Call a press conference for you?”
The sad look on her face dissolved into anger. “No. She works for Wulf Industries and is bringing down hell and damnation on those involved in this. Hopefully, she can keep them from running the story.”
“She can do that?” Adam asked.
“She's Jensen Wulf's assistant, so yeah, there’s a very good chance she can do exactly that.”
He opened his mouth to tell her it would all work out, but true to form, Mick was losing his shit.
“Fat lot of good that's going to do. The story's out there.”
“Jesus,” she said, her voice rising. “It isn't out there yet.”
“What do you care? You'll win out in the end.”
“Oh, is that a fact?”
Adam opened his mouth again to try and calm the argument, but Mick had hit a sore spot for Serenity and she went after him.
“Yeah, that's exactly what I want. I have spent the last decade under another name just so I could come out once I started a relationship with two men. Actually, that was my plan from the beginning.”
“Babe,” Adam said, but she shot him a dangerous look. He had to fight the need to step back from her. “Don't. You don't have the right anymore.”
He wanted to protest, but he had a feeling that if he did, he would end up breaking her. She had a coat of armor on, but he had a feeling she was very close to losing it.
He nodded and she turned on Mick.
“Do you want to know why I left? Why I changed my name?”
“I don't really give a f--”