Page 91 of Harmless Scandals
Without waiting for an answer, she clicked her phone off. Then she blocked her mother’s number.
She looked up at Mick and Adam.
“Wow,” Mick said with a smile as he unfolded himself from his chair. “You were badass.”
She chuckled and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. Then he handed her off to Adam.
“Yeah, and I particularly liked when you said my men.”
She smiled as he bent down to kiss her.
“It was definitely sexy.”
She looked at them and recognized the looks. Before she could respond, Mick was leading her back over to their house. And for now, that was all she needed. These men, this time, and their love.
Just before dawn, the flash of lights in the driveway caught Serenity's attention first.
She went to the window.
“Yay,” she said, practically running to the door. Before Adam could stop her, she was out of the house and running toward their new arrivals.
“Finally,” she said with a laugh.
Both he and Mick followed her out the door and watched as a statuesque woman unfolded herself from the town car before it had come to a complete stop. Adam could tell she was breathtaking, even with little light.
“Seri,” she said, holding her arms open. Serenity walked right into them, and hugged the woman right back. Belatedly, they noticed a tall man walking towards them wearing a business suit and looking as if he had walked off a runway.
“Hullo, there. Sorry for the early intrusion, but Nicola wasn't about to wait to see Serenity. Jensen Wulf,” he said with a smile. His accent was British and definitely upper crust.
“Oh, hello,” Mick said a little breathlessly.
It was easy to understand. Even if Adam didn't know that Jensen Wulf was a billionaire or that he was part of a legendary family with ties to the Windsors, he was a striking figure. Okay, he was a fucking beautiful man. With the smile he offered, it was easy to see why he was often described as charismatic.
“Adam Fullerton, and this is Mick McGrath.”
“Nice to meet you. Please tell me you have coffee, because my dragon of a PA refuses to let me have anything else.”
“If you didn't crawl into a bottle every time you had a sip, you could drink anything you wanted. Good...I guess morning, yes?”
She still had one arm wrapped around Serenity as they walked up to the lanai side-by-side.
Jensen tossed a smile over his shoulder. “And, if I ever forget, you are here to remind me.”
“Mick, Adam, this is Nicola McCann.”
When she was close enough, Adam got a look at her eyes. Ice blue. He had seen pictures of her and video when she was competing, but nothing compared to the woman in person.
“Nice to meet both of you. And, as I’m trying not to be an ass like Jensen, who thinks the entire world works for him, I would dearly love some coffee.”
Mick looked through the refrigerator as he planned breakfast. He assumed he would have to feed everyone after the night they had had.
It started with Jensen Wulf, who was completely different than he had expected. He had asked for a pillow, took off his shoes and jacket, and promptly fell asleep on their couch. The noise didn’t seem to bother him. Mick glanced over at the couch again and found the Englishman stretched out on the sofa, his feet dangling over the side.
“He sleeps anywhere,” Nicola said from behind him. He turned to face Serenity’s best friend.