Page 116 of Allegiance
He snorted.
“God. I wish.”
She gave him a kiss. Then, she was honest.
“I’m breastfeeding, so I likely won’t get pregnant.”
He looked disappointed.
Immediately, Jinx reassured him.
“When it happens, we’ll celebrate. I’m not saying no. I can’t help it if there are rules,” she said. “Talk to my uterus. I’m not driving the bus on that one.”
He held her.
“I know. We just make really cute kids and Peony is so happy to have a sibling. I’d love to give her a sister.”
She reassured him.
“You’ll have more kids. I promise.”
He smiled.
“Thank you, Jinx. Thank you for saving me and giving me everything I always wanted.”
Oh, she could say the same.
“Likewise, sexy thief. We’re living the life.”
That they were.
When he looked at his Rolex, he knew what time it was.
“How about we get the place set up, call in the report to the dirty cops, and make sure we get them secured before we call in the team?”
That worked for her.
“Sounds good.”
He was glad.
“Then, let’s get it done. You know how the Major doesn’t like to waste time. Maybe don’t tell her that you molested your husband, Jinxy, while on the clock.”
She just laughed.
He grinned wickedly.
“Yeah, you’re too sexy for my own good,” he added, pulling her up so they could get dressed.
She just shook her head.
It looked as if it was time to get back to business. They had a renegade Marine to catch.
Oh, and they would.
They were about to start ‘Operation Unmasking’.