Page 124 of Allegiance
“Word on the street is that Chevy had a BIG makeover.”
Again, they were already aware.
“I’ve got my feelers out to see what I can get you. I don’t think he’s let his face be photographed, but I hear he’s bragging you guys won’t find him.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong.
As of yet, this game of hide-and-go-seek was beginning to blow.
She didn’t like to disappoint a client, so she gave him what she could.
“If you need someone to help you get into the agency door, I have a few friends who might fit the bill. Come find me, and I’ll hook a guy up.”
His heart raced.
Not because of her offering up some help, but because he’d love to come find her.
He watched her apartment sometimes.
Okay, he watched her apartment every night.
When he went out to patrol, alone, under the cover of darkness, he sat across the street from this cesspool, on the roof, and watched her.
Yeah, he was a peeping Tom.
Never let it be said he didn’t have hella issues and a deep need for some psychotherapy.
He wasn’t denying that.
“I’ll pass that along,” he said.
Calyx tried again because if anything, she was a masochist.
“If you’re ever in the neighborhood, you should stop by, and maybe we can have a nightcap,” she said.
He laughed.
And laughed.
And laughed.
Oh, maybe because the last thing that this woman wanted was him stopping by.
He knew what it would be like between them, and there was no way he could be gentle.
After years of that oath of celibacy…
Opening that door to Hell…
Bad idea.