Page 143 of Allegiance
He had always prided himself on being the kind of man who put his partner first. He was super protective and tried to put that away. If Eve wanted that man, she’d get him.
For him, her pregnancy changed everything. Once more, he had everything to lose, but this time, he wasn’t going to lose it. This time, he was going to have what everyone else did.
A family.
To reassure him, Eve held his hand and smiled up at him.
“Yes, Dear.”
He actually laughed.
“You’re funny for a tiny little fairy that I can carry on my back.”
She winked.
“Kinky. I learned a new fetish today. We can try that out later, forest intruder.”
He laughed.
Yeah, this was going to be an interesting adventure, and he kind of liked it.
Holding hands, he escorted Eve into the house. Once inside, they found the rest of the family gathered around the two cops. It appeared they were in time for the interrogation.
“Let’s see what they know,” Jagger said.
Hopefully, it would help them find Chevy.
“Wake them,” Maura said, as she rolled her neck and got ready.
It was clear who was in charge.
Not Mikey O’, but the Major.
When Rogue and Zayn dumped two buckets of cold water on them, they came awake pretty damn fast. Their sputtering told the tale.
Soon, their screaming would.
“Welcome to the party.”
The cops looked around, and it was clear they knew the kind of trouble they were in. Let’s just say the shit was getting deeper by the second.
“We’re not talking,” Cecil immediately said. “We don’t give a fuck what you do.”
Oh, well, challenge the Major and find out that it could get worse.
Without hesitating, she pulled her Ruger, and Maura put the nose of the gun against his head and pulled the trigger. It had the response she wanted.
First, Cecil was dead, blowing his brains out the back of his head. Then, his partner lost it.
Immediately, he freaked out.
“No! Please!”
Oh, it was a little too late to be begging. This cop was tied to something so dirty, that his mercy opportunity was shot to shit.
Maura rested her boot on the chair dangerously close to his junk, as she placed the nose of the gun that just took out his partner under his chin.
“Then you should probably tell me everything you know about the modeling agencies and the missing women. Five ladies, that we know about, were conned into a contract and sold into sex. I want to know who is handling this shitshow.”