Page 148 of Allegiance
That it wasn’t…
This was going to be more difficult. That desk was in the deep bowels of the police department. That was going to mean breaking in there.
There were a ton of cops at any time, and they weren’t exactly invisible. If Chevy had El Gato’s bought cops, they would know their faces.
Only, what wouldn’t she do to save a child?
“Mar, we gotta do it,” Rogue said.
Oh, she was aware.
It was time to get moving.
“Gene, we’ll be back in shortly, and we’ll work out a plan. For now, though, I have a scumbag dirty cop to teach a lesson.”
That was fine by him.
That was fine by everyone there.
Gene and Tommy only had one final wish. As their faces appeared on the screen, side-by-side, she saw the rage.
“Make him bleed,” Gene said.
“Please,” Tommy added.
Oh, that was the plan.
“Expect us back at Chartres,” she said.
She went to tuck her phone away, but instead, had a plan. Yeah, it would come in handy,
Maura got ready to take out more of El Gato and Chevy’s trash.
“Well, Stellan, do you have anything to say for yourself?” she asked, holding her phone up and recording him. She wanted everything that he said going forward on the record.
“I’m sorry. It was wrong to help as he was selling those women and children. Chevy Chesary made us do it. He told us to. We were scared. I’m so sorry. Really.”
She kept going, doing a video interrogation for future use. It happened a great deal to prisoners, and this man was now hers.
“How old were the kids, Detective?” she asked, using his title so that when this came out, the world would know the truth.
“They were ages five to thirteen,” he said, as everyone stared at her.
They must have thought she was insane. She’d already gone over this. Oh, but there was always a method to her madness.