Page 154 of Allegiance
No one was going to get in her way on this one.
When they arrived back at the house, they divided up.
The three Marine ladies had to go clean up since they’d gotten a little spilled detective on their gear.
Honestly, no one wanted the blood of a dirty cop under their nails.
As they were getting into clean clothing, the men were in the kitchen waiting for them, and they were predicting the nuclear fallout of Adder joining their team.
Call it a hunch, but old dogs were hard to train, and this dog was pacing around.
No one was shocked.
Dakota was Dakota, and he was pretty much predictable.
Now, while alone, they were going to do what they spent a hell of a lot of time doing.
Clean up.
Aisle Dakota.
“She’ll be fine,” Jagger said. “She’s freaking Adder. You can stop wearing a path in the floor. It’s not like she’s any less deadly. When a woman is with child, they tend to get meaner.”
All the husbands laughed.
If that wasn’t the absolute truth of the matter…
Only, Dakota had the fear of Sarah squeezing his soul, and they all understood that.
“She’s also carrying my baby, and one I’d like to meet one day. When your wives were pregnant, you guys lost your minds. Rogue, you paid Adder five million dollars to babysit your wife.”
He wasn’t lying, and he’d do it again.
“You, Jagger, practically wore the Major on your chest all day long. You were so close to the back of her, we thought someone sewed your dick into her.”
He snorted.
“Sorry, I had a visual,” he said.
“And you, Zayn, yelled at our dog because he licked Stella. You have your own crazy to deal with.”
“The Playboy trained that dog. He was a hot mess before Jinx. I can’t trust Odin. He might kiss her to death. That’s a fear right there.”
Rogue laughed.
“You’re insane.”
Zayn gasped.
“You don’t say?” he asked.
Rogue shook his head and focused on Dakota.
“It’s funny how the guy who swore that kids were a mistake is suddenly freaking out and gets it. Talk about fate bitch slapping someone hard.”