Page 158 of Allegiance
“Uh, anyone got a snake trap? There’s an angry Adder coming my way. Thanks, Dakota,” he muttered.
The man just laughed.
It was all fun and games until his woodland fairy booted the pirate’s ass around the room, now wasn’t it?
“Did you now?” she asked, as Boone’s wife sat not that far away sipping her coffee.
“Don’t blame him. He’s a slut for the Voudon. He knows not what he does,” she said, making Eve laugh. “I’ve tried to talk him down from the spell ledge, but he’s insane and wants me pregnant more than anything. Little does he know the impotency spell I did is kicking his ass.”
He gasped.
“That’s not funny!”
She disagreed there.
“It kinda is. Who knew I could make your swimmers get confused,” she joked. Sometimes, being a scientist and dealing with a religious husband was insane.
This was one of those times.
Adder cleared her throat.
“Mr. Savage, I have a question.”
Boone blinked.
She got closer and lowered her voice. Then, she pulled a crisp hundred from her cargo pants.
“Got one for protection? You know, for the baby on board?” she asked. “Get it delivered. I need one ASAP. I’m small. I’m going to be really showing soon.”
Boone had not been expecting that.
The whole family was surprised and looked back and forth between them.
“My god. They are alike,” Stella said. “Dakota found his soul mate. Finally. Who would have seen that one coming?”
Eve wasn’t done.
“And his ‘soulmate’ is allowed to carry guns, Blondie,” Eve said. “Can you with yours?” she asked, not letting anyone bust Dakota’s ass.
She was feeling protective of him too.
Stella pointed.
“I was just put in my place by Adder because you won’t let me have a gun. I hate you all. None of you nuts get to be this baby’s godparents!”
Zayn snickered where he stood.
And no one believed it.
Instead of going there, Maura sat down, and she was ready to work.
“Okay, chuckleheads, we have two places to hit. We’re going to divide up, and hit the police station to get into the evidence locker, and then the bar.”
For the last ten minutes, Gene was listening to the younger members of the family talking shit, and he was amused. Now, he was having a cup of tea, and ready to get down to work.
He liked to be in the action.