Page 211 of Allegiance
“I’d like that,” she said. “Thank you.”
Everyone stared at Dakota, waiting for him to do the next part of the dance—where he snagged himself an invite back with her.
Only, he didn’t.
When no one spoke, Eve finally opted to do it.
“Well, then, I’ll show up here after the appointment,” she offered. “Can I bring Violet with me so she’s safe?” she asked.
That was a no-brainer.
Immediately, Maura hugged her.
“Girl, this angel of yours is welcome here anytime you want. If you need a safe place, we can transport her to the house where we stay. There is a gun-toting nanny there who is taking care of Sawyer.”
She thanked her.
“I appreciate that. All I want is for my children to be safe.”
When Dakota still said nothing, Eve took that as her hint that they were not going to leave together.
Yeah, this was a minefield that she did NOT know how to navigate.
“I’ll see you guys in the morning after my appointment then. Dakota, goodnight,” she said.
Eve grabbed her things, leaving the body armor behind. Then, she walked out the door with Violet, leaving the silent man behind.
Immediately, when the front door closed, Zayn slapped Dakota on the back of the head.
“What was that, dumbass?” he asked.
Dakota rubbed his head and gave Zayn a dirty look that said it all.
“Why do you feel like slapping me in the head is an appropriate starter for every sentence?”
“Because you just let the love of your freaking life leave alone. She left the door open for you, and you stood there with your head up your ass.”
Rogue sighed.
“I need a vacation. This is a full-time job getting Dakota laid and married.”
Stella laughed.
“Hey, he’s not scowling. We’re one step closer to it today. Maybe tomorrow he’ll figure it out.”
Ehhhh, likely not.
They knew the man too well.
“Can you guys not talk about me like I’m not here? She didn’t invite me back. What was I supposed to say? Want a roommate?”
“YES!” they all said together.
He stared at them as if he wasn’t able to put the pieces together on his own.
So, they clued him in.
“Dude, she rejoined the team. She’s got plenty of money, and a nice place for her and her kids. She doesn’t need to do this. She came back for you. So you need to follow her home, bring a bottle of something nice, and ROMANCE her,” Jagger said.