Page 219 of Allegiance
“We will,” Rogue said.
Jinx told her about their concerns with someone finding Tate West before they could track the van in the morning.
She listened.
“Well, then, I think I can help you there. I’ll have one of the local FBI agents head there early morning to control the scene once they do find out. We’ll get one of our MEs to do the autopsy. It will appear that Tate West committed suicide, and it won’t be discovered until after you head out. Text me when you guys do.”
Rogue was grateful.
They knew she’d skew it in their favor.
“Thank you.”
Honestly, Elizabeth didn’t want thanks. What she wanted was to find the women and children, and get them back.
She also wanted to go hug and kiss her kids, then climb all over her husbands to forget what she saw and knew. Her belly was raw, and she needed some soothing of her own.
Was that too much to ask?
“Just be safe out there, Hunters,” she said. Then, she remembered what else they were dealing with. “How’s Dakota holding up?”
Well, that said it all, now didn’t it?
“We’re trying to get him to marry the girl. It’s never going to happen at this rate,” Zayn said. “He’s too stubborn to just listen.”
“Fifty says he’s married by the end of next week,” Elizabeth said, holding up some money.
Zayn laughed.
“Are you insane? Dakota? HIM? I’ll definitely take that bet. We need some new guns. Put the money away. If you lose, you get us some gear. The Russians are coming,” he said.
Rogue agreed.
“I want some new CIA tech if we’re right. Because he’s the slowest mover on the planet.”
“Deal,” she said. “If I win, you owe me one,” she added. “As in I call in that favor whenever, even if it’s to have Zayn come to my kid’s birthday dressed as a clown.”
He laughed.
“That’s never happening. You won’t be winning, so I’ll take that bet.”
It was done.
“Good luck, Hunters. Call if you need me—just not until morning. I need a palate cleanser. This had been a rough day.”
Amen to that.
When she nodded, the call went dead.
Zayn was the first to speak.