Page 222 of Allegiance
Fortunately, Maura wasn’t in there long.
When she came out, he stared at her.
“It’s not ready yet. We need two minutes. You know the process.”
This was the worst part.
Jagger wanted to run in and get the test. He wanted to have this come true more than anything. He wanted more children, and he wanted that piece of normalcy.
“I have a question,” she said.
He stopped pacing.
She went there.
“Are you going to get overprotective and make me insane if we are expecting?”
He didn’t hesitate.
She stared at him.
“You couldn’t even lie to me?”
He shrugged.
“I gotta be me. Now, I have a question,” he said, hoping she’d answer.
“Do you think that you’re pregnant? Because you haven’t said a word about it, and I’ve really tried hard to knock you up.”
She was aware.
“Honestly, I feel pregnant.”
He had even more hope.
“If you are, I can stop humping you like a horny moose.”
She stopped that line of conversation.
“Well, Mr. Moose, I wouldn’t go that far. I happen to like your humping. Maybe just take it down from wife-molesting to making love.”
He could do that.
When she glanced down at her watch, she knew it was time.
“I can’t do it, J. You do it. I’m too scared to look. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
He reassured her.
“You won’t ever disappoint me. If you aren’t, Mr. Moose has a solution,” he offered, wiggling his eyebrows.