Page 240 of Allegiance
He laughed.
“Thank you, Lyzbeth, and Blackhawks.”
She pointed at Zayn.
“And now, boys, it’s time for payment,” she said. “I do believe that this cowgirl picked that cowboy’s marriage by the end of next week. Pay up.”
Zayn sighed.
“Fine. I OWE YOU ONE.”
Rogue laughed.
“Ditto, Blackhawk.”
Jagger shrugged.
“I’m good with it.”
She smiled.
“Thank you for your contributions to my ‘save for a rainy day when I need a favor’ fund. I will be utilizing all of them at some point. May God have mercy on your screwed souls.”
They all laughed.
“We are boned,” Zayn admitted. “We know better too.”
They certainly did.
“I don’t owe you, simply because I didn’t bet against you,” Dakota said, holding his new wife’s hand. “I’m not the biggest dumbass, apparently.”
She stopped him.
“Actually, you do owe me via seven degrees of separation,” she said.
He was confused.
“What does that mean?”
She explained.
“Fifteen years ago, I went on a mission and was connected with the Major and Jagger. Jagger and Maura later went on to do protection duty for Oracle, who don’t ask, Zayn, because it’s classified.”
He laughed.
Of course, it was.
“Then, Oracle retired, moving into a house I own, displacing Jagger and Maura, who were in search of his wife and child.”
They all listened.
“Unbeknownst to him, right before, my husband created a band of merry mercenaries, and set them up in New Orleans, only to be led by you, Dakota, my ex.”
Chris laughed.
“You should have just taken the IOU and let it go,” he said. “You’ve proved her evil genius and how she’s likely been planning this for years.”
She ignored him.