Page 245 of Allegiance
Oh, and she did.
Calyx stared over at him, a gun slung over his back, and his face hidden once more beneath his customary hoodie. When he bowed, gallantly, she knew he was not taking her up on the offer.
Damn him.
Her tormenting of him only became her own torture.
Someone was leaving.
Just like that, he proved her right.
Instead of going toward her, he backed into the shadows to disappear.
Yeah, he left her there, craving the one man she wasn’t sure she could get to partake in the forbidden fruit.
Yeah, that was frustrating.
Once more, Remington Bowman slipped through her fingers, leaving her befuddled.
How did one capture a ghost that was hellbent on never hurting again?
She had no clue.
Chapter Eighteen
Operation Follow The Cop
Saturday Morning
Ungodly Early
W ith the premise of ‘we’ll sleep when we’re dead’, The Hunters were already on the move, making sure they were able to get to the police precinct before the shit hit the fan. Once Tate West’s ‘suicide’ was discovered at the change of shift that morning…
Yeah, it was about to get spicy in The Big Easy.
Already, there were news stories circulating that there was a vigilante in town, taking the lives of people and causing mayhem.
Z had quite the reputation.
They were all pretty proud of that, and coming up with someone to be the fall guy, other than Mikey O’, who the cops feared, and The Hunters, who the mercenaries didn’t, was genius.
Now, they could move around, taking care of business.
Like now.
Because they’d been up late, working and celebrating, basically only getting a catnap for an hour, they were chugging caffeine like it was going to save their asses.
The only lucky one was Dakota.
Eve had been exhausted after they’d had their makeshift celebration, and he’d carried her up to bed late. So, because they loved Dakota, they let him sleep in.
Lucky him.
They hoped he appreciated it.