Page 262 of Allegiance
“I’m good, but I was curious. If you were going to have a girl, what would you name it?” she asked.
He considered it.
“Well, we already have a Violet. Flower names are Zayn’s thing, and apparently Rogue’s thing too. Well, the woman who gave birth to Peony. I would pick a name that had meaning.”
She waited.
“I like Faith. I lost it for a while, and then, suddenly, I found it. You restored it.”
She liked that.
“I could do Faith. What if you had a son?”
He thought about it.
“I’d either name him after my brothers, but there are too many to pick. They’d ride each other’s asses over being my favorite when I think they’re all dicks.”
She laughed.
Oh, she knew he loved them to death.
“I’d name a child after my stepfather. He taught me to be a man. I’d honor him with that. He died a decade ago.”
“What was his name?”
“Cash Landon Rakin.”
She gave him a kiss.
“Well, then, I think we have our names. Faith Rose Rakin, and Cash Landon Rakin.”
He grinned.
“I get to name the baby?” he asked.
She cuddled into him.
“Absolutely. You have good taste. You ended up with me, didn’t you?”
He grinned.
He certainly had.
And he’d be with her until the end.
Dakota knew it in his heart.
Chapter Twenty
Chartres Street
Meeting Time
W hen they rolled in, everyone who hadn’t been out was aware that the operation hadn’t gone well. Mainly, because Maura looked absolutely tortured. While no one would say anything to her, Jagger knew why.
With each failure to get Chevy, it meant utilizing her plan, and he was well aware that was the last thing she wanted.