Page 275 of Allegiance
“I’ve got this.”
Zayn sighed.
“You have to hit the fuselage just right. If you miss…”
She smiled.
“If I miss, you can name my next kid, and be the godparent.”
He grinned.
“Okay, princess. If you hit it, and then disable those two guys when they come running, I’ll let you name mine, and I’ll also give my next girl your name as her middle name.”
She smiled.
“Uh, any day now, children,” Jagger said. “Because the MAJOR wants this done, and I’m the one who has to answer for Captain Bad Attitude, and Mamba, if this goes sideways. She’s pregnant and testy as it is.”
Jinx wasn’t worried.
She got into position, and Zayn read off the windspeed, spotting for her.
“Don’t forget to…”
“Zayn, shut up,” she said. “Look pretty and close that mouth of yours for two seconds,” she added, adjusting her scope and locking into that tiny-ass hole the size of the top of a soda can.
“She’s gonna miss,” Zayn said.
Jagger pointed at him to shut him up.
“Honey, take the shot,” Jagger said, and as soon as he did, she pulled the trigger, and the bullet exploded from her gun, heading at the jet. It went through the hole, hitting the fuselage of the plane, making it blow.
The men were blown back, and when they got up, they began running.
She reloaded so quickly, that she was able to get the first guy in the knee, and the second in the stomach.
They both went down hard.
“And that’s going to be Dandelion Jinx Thundercloud’s legacy,” she said, busting his ass. “A weed for you, doubter.”
He gasped.
“You wouldn’t!”
She smiled, and they got moving toward the two downed men.
Jagger would deal with them later. For now, he had two guys to handle.
As they reached the men, the one with the hole in his gut was already hemorrhaging. The hole went clear through, and he wasn’t going to be saying much.
His time on this earth was done.
Don’t sell women and help assholes do dirty deeds, and you wouldn’t get shot in the gut.