Page 280 of Allegiance
That he couldn’t have her.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chartres Street
Saturday One P.M.
A s the team came back, they found everyone working. Tommy and Gene were going through the information that they’d pulled up on the dead cops, in hopes of finding something that might give them a lead.
Maura was sitting on the couch, earbuds in, listening to white noise as she worked on her plan.
Violet was nearby, as Stella and Merry were teaching her how to use MATE—in case she ever needed it. Since it was clear the girl was going to be around, now that she was Dakota’s stepdaughter, they figured they’d give her a look into the Hunter life.
As Jagger came in, Maura looked up and already knew that it had been a bust.
“Nothing?” she asked.
He shook his head.
“We stopped a flight from going out tomorrow, but that’s not going to slow them down much.”
Well, shit.
This was bad.
As security alerted them that someone was accessing the front door, Violet checked the tablet.
“It’s my mom and Dakota,” she said. Then, she lowered her voice. “Do you think he’d be mad if I called him dad?” she asked. “I’ve never had one of those.”
Stella squeezed her hand.
“I’m betting he’d love it. Try and see.”
The girl hoped they were right. What she’d learned was that she loved being around all of them. Stella was helping her with some science things she didn’t understand, and Merry was blowing her mind with what she did for them.
Violet felt at home.
When Dakota and Eve came in, they were holding hands, and Dakota was grinning.
Oh, the men knew that look.
That was the ‘I did this’ grin, that told them he was happy about the baby.
“Boy, huh?” Boone said, sitting on the couch beside Stella.
“Hey!” he said. “Did you just steal my thunder?” Dakota asked.
“Absolutely. You’ve been a dick for months. That’s your karma.”
He laughed.
“Well, okay. I get that, and yes, we’re having a boy,” he said, so freaking happy.
Everyone congratulated him.