Page 284 of Allegiance
She glanced over at Violet.
“Honey, this is going to get tricky for us. How about you go take a break somewhere?” she asked.
The girl got it.
“Can’t I stay?” she asked. “Maybe I can help,” she added.
Dakota handled it.
“No, Kiddo, you can’t. It won’t be safe for you.”
Eve agreed.
They were going to be discussing strategy, and she knew that the less the girl knew, the better.
When no one spoke, Violet got it.
She was outnumbered.
“Fine. Can I go watch a movie in the house next door?” she asked. “You know, with the secret access?”
Jagger nodded.
“Have at it. There are snacks.”
Violet wanted to stay, but she knew what her mom and The Hunters did.
She was bummed that she was going to miss all the fun, but that was life.
As she was leaving, Maura got a text from Remington, updating her as to his role.
‘We just pulled in. I’m bringing Calyx in.’
Well, it appeared they were all back in, and safe. Now, she was going to have to discuss strategy.
Immediately, Maura showed her husband the text. It appeared everyone was there for the party.
“Remmy is back. Let’s go to the kitchen, get something to eat, and talk,” she said.
Rogue was wary.
“Whenever the Major says, ‘let’s talk’ the shit is about to hit the fan.”
Oh, truer words hadn’t been said. Since the airport had been a bust, that meant there was only one option left. They couldn’t let Chevy keep sending women out, and they couldn’t risk that he moved.
They needed to get to him, ASAP, and end this once and for all.
That meant her plan was the ONLY option left for them. Honestly, that unsettled Maura because she knew how dangerous it was.
As they got to the kitchen, Stella began pulling out some bread and lunchmeat to make sandwiches for everyone. She was nervous because the whole time they’d been there with Maura, she was silent.
Zayn had told her when a Marine was silent, they were likely planning an attack, or getting ready for one.
As they were handed some food, Remmy came in with a hooded woman beside him.
When he took it off, Calyx moved closer to Remington, and he let her.
That told them all that there was something brewing there, even if Remington had planned to fight it. He was feeling protective of the woman.