Page 290 of Allegiance
Boone stood up.
“I’ll go in too. I’m not tech savvy, and I’m not going to be on a recovery team. This is a Marine job, but I can take some torture.”
Merry looked like she was going to cry, and her husband saw it.
“I’ll be okay, Baby,” he reassured. “I have the protection of the Voudon,” he admitted, touching the beads on his wrist. “We all will.”
Merry was no longer hungry. Instead, she went to her husband’s side and held onto him.
“You have to come home to me,” she said. “Please, Boone.”
He kissed her in the middle of the forehead.
Merry gave him the incentive to make it out alive.
“We can have more babies if you come home to me and in one piece.”
He grinned.
She laughed, and cried, at the same time as he held her to soothe her.
“We’ve got this, Merry. They’ll expect a car full of Hunters. It looks weird if only one or two go. They’ve watched us plenty. Plus, if those devices fail, we’re on our own to get out.”
Not quite.
“That’s why we need Remmy to be our shooter. He can tag them from above. They’ll have their hands full. They won’t be thinking about a thump when the tag hits.”
She had a point.
Maura stood up.
“I know the kind of trust this takes. I know what I’m asking, and I know how shitty this is. Everyone’s life is in my hands, and we can pull it off if we all play our roles exactly as needed.”
Could they?
“I need you to really think about it,” she said. “As Calyx is working on getting us someone inside, I need Boone, Dakota, and Zayn to really think about it and talk to your wives. If you want out, I get it.”
The hardest part of this was the unknown. They all trusted Maura with their lives.
And now, those who didn’t know her as a Marine, were going to have to put that faith in her.
She moved away from the island.
“I’m going to go work out the schematics. Decide. Again, if you can’t do it, I’ll go with Jagger. You guys will have to save us.”
Eve took a chance.
“I know I’m new to this team, but I’m with you, Major. I’ll go in with you, and we’ll get them out. We won’t fail. I specialize in this shit. I have some toys I’ve stashed that might come in handy.”
Jinx wasn’t being left out.
“I’m going in too,” Jinx said, “I want to get my family out. I’ll fight to the death to make that happen too.”
Dakota kissed his wife on the temple.
“As my wife said. I don’t need to think this one through. I’m in,” he said. Then, he focused on Eve. “I trust you to get me out, Mrs. Rakin.”