Page 299 of Allegiance
Since it was all handled, they headed out, and Merla waited until they were gone.
“Was that legit?” she asked. “Because I don’t want to get my ass in trouble with Cruz. He’ll ship me off to some third-world country for a payout.”
Oh, well, she’d deserved it if she was helping the man hurt women and children.
Instead of giving away anything, she lowered her voice, playing the role Maura asked her to.
“I wouldn’t double cross Cruz,” she said. “Let them go to war. Give him a heads-up, get back here, get the money, and run for it.”
She smiled.
“You know me so well,” she said, pulling off her shirt to get changed.
Oh, Calyx was aware.
And that was exactly why she picked her.
Merla was a bottom feeding betrayer.
Until the end.
* * * H U N T E R S * * *
Fifteen Minutes
Outside Models INC.
Maura was in a car parked down the street, and so were Jinx and Eve.
They were in three different vehicles so that when they followed, they could mix it up. Normally, she’d do one ride, and go with her skill.
That wasn’t happening.
If Chevy was in that building, he’d know how she worked, so she was letting two Snakes make the call. Eve was in the lead car, she would be second, and Jinx was following up. When they got closer, they’d ditch two, or if they had a signal indicating where the men had been taken.
As she sat there, she was no longer in contact with her husband.
“Remmy, you have a visual, right?” she asked, trying not to let the nerves get to her.
It wasn’t easy.
“I do, Major. I can see his wedding band on the lip of the window. He’s calm, and he’s safe.”
That helped.
She was focused on the other two teams.
“Rogue, are you in place?” she asked.
The com clicked to life.
“We are, Major. We’re all good here. The thermal camera says there are nine people in this office. They are all sitting around. I’ll give you an update if they make a move.”
She gave him the orders.
“If they try to leave, take them out. No one survives this. We made that mistake in the jungle. We won’t make it here too.”