Page 44 of Allegiance
The big Native rolled his eyes.
“Jesus,” Zayn said. “If she’s here, and she’s with her Marines, we have issues. Buckle up. It’s an FBI boning about to go down.”
Well, if he insisted.
Strolling in like she owned the place because she had at one time, Elizabeth poured herself a cup of coffee to get comfy.
Sniffing it, she was curious.
“This doesn’t have herbs and cinnamon in it, does it?” she asked.
Maura laughed.
“No. We watched Zayn make it a few minutes ago. It should be good.”
She took a sip.
And it was.
“Thank God,” she said, leaning on the marble countertop. “Anyway, Hunters, I have some intel for you,” she said, making herself comfortable.
“What?” Jagger asked.
They all waited.
With her, it couldn’t be good.
It never was.
“A little birdy popped into my office and delivered a package.”
They all knew what office she was talking about, and it wasn’t going to be her Violent Crimes Unit.
It was her new role.
Deputy Director of the FBI.
“On Chevy?” Maura asked. “Because we need to find him and can’t use any tech to find his face in the crowd. He’s somehow managed to avoid it all.”
She was well aware.
“I’ve got good news, and bad news,” she said. “I was just briefed on it late last night.”
And they knew why.
Someone got daily briefs and was not only running The Violent Crimes Unit, but Elizabeth Blackhawk was no longer just a director.
Oh, no.
Instead, she was holding down the FBI while Axelle Maverick was on leave.
Someone was the top banana.
It was hard to miss the news when it broke. She was now the queen of the kingdom—or one of them. The ladies were running the asylum.
Oh, the irony.
They’d seen the media blitz when every single news station in the entire world plastered her scowling, freckled face all over the place.