Page 64 of Allegiance
Elizabeth continued.
“And to make it worse, his office, which was in his home, was ransacked. They only took one file. I’m going to bet that’s the one that was Chevy’s. He got his face done, and then offed the one man who knew what he looked like so you guys couldn’t find him.”
“Who stole it?” Jagger asked. “Do we know that?”
She shook her head.
“It was done by someone who knows how not to leave DNA, prints, or anything that would make the FBI happy,” Elizabeth admitted.
Merry knew what that meant.
“It’ll be a cop or someone hired by Chevy in Germany. In every case I ever worked when there was nothing there to find, a cop was behind it. They know the process.”
Rogue shook his head.
Trouble was coming.
“We’re going to have to shake down some cops and hope that one of them knows what the new Chevy looks like. We don’t have time to go to Germany. That’s a long shot if I ever heard of one.”
Pretty much.
Unfortunately, unless they found something else, that was where they were with this.
“That’s all we have, and I know it’s not a lot, but we’re on the cusp of an international incident. When American citizens are being sold to foreign nations like Venezuela, Columbia, Saudi Arabia, and China, we have an issue. Those aren’t friendly nations. Trafficking women is a big no-no for Americans. We built our reputation as a country that doesn’t tolerate that, and now it’s going on under our nose.”
Maura got it.
“Well, we’ll do what we can to keep it quiet. Maybe we’ll get lucky.”
Elizabeth was crystal clear.
There would be no mistaking it.
“The President of the United States wants it handled and as quietly as possible. You have tech, you have money, and you have the authorization to do what needs to be done. I’ll give you cover. You have my full support.”
That’s all they needed.
And they knew how valuable it was to have someone that high up in their corner.
Elizabeth as an ally…
“We’ll get on it ASAP,” Maura promised. “Give us some time to work out a strategy to start dealing with the police first.”
That worked for her.
“Guys, I know this is daunting, but we have to move fast. We don’t know how many women are gone now. We don’t have a clue.”