Page 74 of Allegiance
She continued.
“It’s too late to make up excuses because one day, that child is going to utter the worst words a mother can hear. Who’s my daddy? And why doesn’t he love me? How is she supposed to answer that? Well, honey, daddy doesn’t know about you because he didn’t want you. He’s two blocks away though, so…”
He started crying.
That was horrible.
He’d asked his mother that before she got married to his stepfather.
A child didn’t understand.
“So I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I was doing what I figured was the best. She needed someone to protect her, and I’m the only Snake left. We can beef about it, or we can take it for what it is. If you were in my place, what would you have done?”
That was easy.
He would have done the same thing.
Jinx was honest.
“I hope this doesn’t destroy your relationship with my husband, or the rest of the family. That wasn’t my intent. I was helping a friend. It’s the same had you called me in the middle of the night and said you needed me. I’d get dressed and I’d come and find you. That’s what family does, Dak. That’s what it means to have a circle, and you’re blessed with one. Until I was sent here, I didn’t have that either. I know how valuable it is.”
“I know you’re right,” he said.
“Then we’ve made our peace, and as far as I’m concerned, we’re good.”
Then, she went to walk away.
Only, he couldn’t end it like this.
“Jinx,” he said, touching her shoulder.
When she turned, he did something that no one had expected.
He hugged her.
“Thank you for being there for her. Thank you for being loyal. I’m glad she has you.”
She hugged him and ran her hands up and down his back.
“I’m sure she’d rather have you,” she said. “For once, Dakota, listen to all of us. We’re trying to help you. You’ve fought us since Sarah died. You’ve fought us tooth and nail, and you’re making mistake after mistake when all you have to do is listen. We see this from the outside looking in, and we are privy to the big picture. You’re only seeing it from your point of view.”
Rogue headed their way.
He knew he was up to bat.
“I have this, Baby,” he said, reassuring his wife.
She nodded.
Then, Jinx patted Dakota on the shoulder and gave her husband a kiss.
“I have to go pump so Sawyer can have food before we head out. We love you, Dakota. Never forget it. When you have a family, they let you hurt them, and they still have your back.”
Then, she was gone.
Elizabeth knew that she’d done all she could. For now, The Hunters had to heal one of their own. This time, all of the festering wound needed to be healed.