Page 86 of Allegiance
“Jagger, you know I wouldn’t plan this unless I had no other choice. We’re going on three months, and with each woman taken, sold off, and killed…”
He was aware.
“I know, Baby. Let’s just hope everything goes as planned, and it doesn’t blow up in our faces.”
She hoped not.
Because this plan could get people killed.
The people she loved.
Chapter Six
The Showdown
Eve Knight’s Home
The Other Chartres Street
K now what was humbling? Standing in front of someone’s home, knowing you were about to be handed your ass, but still having to do it because it was the right thing to do.
Dakota was well aware that was going to be the outcome, and honestly, he wasn’t looking forward to it.
There was no way this was going to end well, and he was smart enough to know he was the underdog in this fight.
Did he deserve it?
Was he ready for it?
Now, this was about just facing it.
Before he headed here, he thought about the dream, and something she’d said. It was about the penitent man, and how he’d get the family.
So, Dakota was going that route.
He’d jacked this up, seven ways to Sunday, and he needed to be the one who took one for the team. If he wanted a chance at seeing his child, the one he just found out about, he had to do this right.
There would be only one chance.
And he knew it.
As he walked up the steps, he took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. That one act took every ounce of courage that he could muster.
That bone-chilling fear filled him, as he waited for his punishment for his past actions.