Page 131 of Icy Cold Death
Would Bodhi ever trust him to be near the child she was carrying?
At some point, she’d have to talk to him about it.
“I love this hotel,” she said, changing the subject to calm him down.
He just nodded.
Oh, boy.
Hailey knew that he was three days past calm, and she didn’t think it had anything to do with her being put in jail with the Littlemoon team.
“Are you freaked out?” she asked.
He didn’t hesitate.
“A little.”
Well, at least he was honest.
Hailey needed to know how to navigate this. She was new at it too.
“How can I make this better for you, so you aren’t scared?” she asked, pretty sure she knew the answer.
Then, he said exactly what she fully expected him to say.
“Maybe you can make your dead husband cross, so I don’t get locked in a car because I didn’t say ‘I love you’ fast enough?”
Oh, boy.
The tension was there.
“I’m sorry,” she said, releasing his waist to give him some space.
He felt her retreating.
So, he explained.
“Hailey, I’m sorry. I just haven’t adjusted to everything. I was good when Jake was being nice, but he feels…not nice now. I’m on edge.”
She was aware.
“He’s turning. He has very little time.”
He blinked.
“Oh, God. Why does that sound horrible for me?” he asked, keeping his voice down in case the dead man was lurking.
With tenderness, Hailey took his hand and tried to reassure him, but she wasn’t sure there was a silver lining in this cloud.
“He refuses to cross again. He won’t go to the light since he had to meet me when I almost died. If he doesn’t get a psychic to anchor him, or cross, he’s going to be angry and out of control.”
Bodhi blinked.
“Uh, he’s already angry. I don’t know if you missed that or not.”
Oh, she hadn’t.
Together, they got out of the elevator and walked toward the room.