Page 170 of Icy Cold Death
Ridge didn’t mind.
He loved helping Lucian tune. It felt like floating after a deliciously erotic orgasm. His partner’s energy surrounded him, and he was calm.
It was like after sex, without the sex.
“I’m good with that. I love going on the ride,” Ridge said as he toed off his shoes and pulled off his socks, so he was just in his pants.
Lucian did the same.
As they both sat on the bed facing each other, Ridge opened his doors. Basically, he cleared any protection to his aura as he got ready to do his thing.
He was going to let the man connect with him.
The men were touching, their knees against each other as they sat cross-legged on the bed. Their flesh was skin-to-skin at their toes.
Their chakras were about to align.
“Okay, my friend. Let’s see what we can find,” Lucian said, reaching for Ridge. He placed his hand on the back of his neck, and their foreheads touched.
Ridge put his hands on Lucian’s thighs, connecting them at three points.
They’d perfected this over the last two years of going in and out of the static hundreds of times.
Ridge took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“And here we go,” Lucian said, opening his doors and letting the man’s aura mix with his.
Immediately, he felt the jolt of electricity. It coursed through him, and everything surrounded him. There were millions of voices.
Now, it was about finding the right ones. If they found something about the dead women in this case, awesome, but he was more curious about the detective.
His sixth sense said something was off.
Ridge used his energy, and cleared a path for his partner to go deeper into the energy.
While their psychic gifts weren’t used nonstop, they were still powerful.
Ridge’s only regret was they had a boundary. There were voices behind it, but they were only so powerful so they couldn’t breach it.
If they could get past it, Lucian would be crazy strong.
As it was, Lucian was likely the most powerful psychic on this side of the country, but more would help them as a business and team.
Ridge cleared his mind.
The deeper they went, the more voices called to Lucian, begging him to help them. It was a symphony of souls, and each one needed their help.
As he got deeper, that’s when he felt it.
They were NOT alone.
His name was whispered over and over again.