Page 195 of Icy Cold Death
“Oh, Jesus. What happened?” she asked, placing her hands on both of their necks to feel for pulses.
Now, Tori was right beside her.
When she pulled down the blanket, she saw both men were not naked, but in their pants, barefoot, and she knew what happened.
“The static,” she said, and Lucian nodded his head as he was still recovering from his way out.
He’d lost his tuner, and that nearly killed him.
“I lost Ridge in the static, and had to find my way out. He’s been out for a bit now.”
Tori and Bishop knew how dangerous that was for a psychic. They’d watched the man go under and need a lifeline back a few times.
It was the same with Beckett and Claire. When Beckett went under, he, too, could get lost in the static, trapping him in the vision.
“What can I do?” Genesis asked, confused by all of this, but she could read the room.
“Water,” Bishop said, triaging the situation. Without hesitation, she pulled Ridge up her body to hold him against her.
Her husband was in better shape, and appeared to be recovering on his own.
Bishop wrapped her arms around Ridge as Tori tucked blankets around them both.
Ridge sighed as he leaned against Bishop.
“The static,” he whispered. “It was too much,” Ridge admitted.
Someone was almost empty.
It didn’t take long for Genesis to come back with two bottles of water from the mini fridge at the bar.
She unscrewed the lids to one, and then the other.
As Tori helped Lucian sit up, Bishop did her best for Ridge. She knew Wynter would do the same if she was here and it was Lucian in this kind of shape.
Everyone knew that the two men were connected in ways that were very intimate.
They shared psychic abilities, and each wife trusted their husband.
Yes, her husband was in bed with a man, but she knew that they were both into their wives.
This was fallout from their gift.
“Drink,” she said to Ridge as Lucian watched him being taken care of as Tori helped him.
Ridge was incredibly vital to Lucian.
Once they met, and they realized that, the men needed each other. Lucian calmed Ridge’s demons, and Ridge was a pathway through the static.
Like he’d been for Oracle.
“I’m okay,” Ridge said, letting Bishop support his weight against her body.
He felt Lucian reaching for him, and he twined his fingers with his.