Page 199 of Icy Cold Death
“Avalon?” she asked.
He nodded.
“She’s coming back, and she said Genesis is the reason. You know something bad is coming when Oracle will come out of retirement and go back into the danger. Her life will be at risk. She’ll recall all of us.”
Oh, shit.
She looked scared.
“Baby,” he said, feeling her energy shift.
“Lucian, I like my life,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to leave Salem. Cassia needs a stable home and life. I have a job, and we have people we love. We have a new family, and I don’t want to leave again. Last time nearly cost me my life.”
He was aware.
She wasn’t done.
“Laird and Brianna are happy too. That’s our world now. Jagger and Maura are married and have a life. Pulling us all back in…”
He knew the big issue.
She’d nearly died.
“We’re not going to say anything, and when the time comes, we’ll do what we need to do. All I know is she’s returning because Genesis is in danger. She’s being blocked by Oracle, so hidden. Avi is protecting her. We might have to do something drastic to keep her hidden.”
“Do you know more?”
He shrugged.
“I’m not able to get past that barrier in the static. I can only go so far. I’m not strong enough to know everything that’s going on. I’m not Oracle.”
Her heart raced.
“I can’t leave. You can’t leave. You’ll have to leave Ridge behind.”
He was aware.
That was the last thing he wanted to do.
Salem and the Littlemoons were their family. His daughter’s soulmate was born the same moment she was in the next room at the hospital.
Jonathan would be here, and he couldn’t risk his daughter and that connection.
He also wouldn’t risk that connection with Ridge. He was his best friend and his soul match. While Bishop was his soul mate, Ridge was meant to be his too.
They were already navigating that. Leaving Ridge behind…
He couldn’t do it.
“Don’t stress it,” he said, already doing that himself.
Bishop curled against her husband and let herself be weak. It didn’t happen often.
“I don’t want to go, Lucian. Please don’t make us go,” she whispered.