Page 202 of Icy Cold Death
“It’s nothing.”
She stopped him.
“If it’s upsetting you, then it’s everything. Please don’t block me out. I am your mate. Why won’t you just tell me? Did I do something?” she asked, worried.
Was he over her?
That made her fearful.
Raven felt that terror, and knew he needed to just discuss it with her.
“Something has been bothering me. Why haven’t you brought up marriage?” he asked, waiting for her to answer.
Bexley blinked.
She hadn’t been expecting that.
“We planned on getting married after our son was born, and you haven’t said a word about it. No planning for the Littlemoon backyard at the Captain’s House. No dress shopping. Nothing. Have you changed your mind?”
She stared into his gorgeous eyes, and saw the fear that he was going to be abandoned.
That was always a fear for him, and Bexley wanted to reassure him.
“I haven’t changed my mind, Raven. I didn’t bring it up because I wasn’t sure you still wanted to marry me. You haven’t mentioned it, and I assumed you were happy with us just living together.”
Uh, no.
That was anything but the truth.
“Oh, Bexley,” he said. “I want to marry you more than anything. I was just giving you time to be a mom. I’ve wanted to plan our wedding, but I know being a new mother is a lot.”
It was, but she could multitask.
Before she could say anything, their waitress, the woman they were supposed to be interviewing, came over and placed their drinks down.
“What can I get for you?” she asked.
Honestly, she wasn’t hungry now. She was more worried about this conversation, but she went with the safest bet in a steakhouse. Bexley ordered one, and Raven ordered a pasta dish since he really didn’t eat meat.
It seemed like it took forever, but finally, the woman took the menus and headed away.
When they were alone, she went there.
“Then why didn’t you just say, ‘when’s the wedding, Bex’?” she asked. “Because I’ll marry you right here in this restaurant if you make an officiant appear.”
He closed his eyes.
“I was worried.”
Yeah, this wasn’t good.
Because she was concerned, she got up and moved to sit beside him, not across from him.
Bexley knew her wickedly sexy witch needed that contact. His gift was very touch based, and dealt with energy.