Page 217 of Icy Cold Death
His partner reassured him.
“I’m good. It’s over. We’re safely out of that static, for now.”
Lucian moved so he could stare down at Bishop, who was naked, and he was still in.
“Jesus,” he muttered. “I was showering and Oracle said my name. Before I knew it, I was in the static without you, and then I had this pain in the middle of my head,” he said, touching right where his chakra would be.
He focused on the man.
“Oh, Wynter is going to kill someone,” he admitted. “You’re in bed with us. Did I hurt you?” he asked.
Ridge touched his cheek with his hand, and he felt better being connected than apart.
He didn’t understand why.
“No, my friend. You didn’t hurt me. You did make me cum though.”
Bishop couldn’t help herself.
She began laughing.
This was one hell of a predicament, and if she didn’t laugh, she’d cry.
All she hoped was there would be no ill effects from this. Oracle had warned her that he would bond with whoever he took.
She didn’t feel any different.
Not at all.
“This is not amusing, Bishop. The static is jacked up, and we’re in bed with a married man. This is a huge problem for all of us.”
Ehhhh, there were worse things.
No one was dead.
She was taking that as a win.
When dealing with Oracle and death, one had to take it when one could.
“He is dressed,” she admitted, still amused. “If anything, I should be the one freaked out.”
When her husband moved, she pulled the sheets over her body, and Lucian did the same with his lower body.
“I’m going to shower,” she said. “Ridge, unless you want to see me naked as I walk to the bathroom, I suggest you close your eyes.”
Oh, he did, and fast.
Bishop gave her husband a kiss and pointed at the man.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m not upset. This could have been much worse.”
Yeah, well, she wasn’t Wynter.
She was Bishop, and now, Lucian had a problem. His mouth had been on a married man, and that freaked him out for a few reasons.
The biggest reason was because he couldn’t stop himself. With his third eye open, he hadn’t been able to control what he’d been feeling, and he didn’t recall calling for Ridge.
He needed to learn how to control this gift, and fast.