Page 22 of Icy Cold Death
A cross Town, the person unraveling the man’s life was reveling in the feeling of finally being happy. After all, his destruction couldn’t happen to a more rotten, soulless asshole who destroyed people.
He had it coming.
Oh, did he ever.
He destroyed lives. He ruined partnerships, weddings, and lives as if it was a sport. Now, he was about to be on the receiving end of it all.
This was about getting him ready for the big fall. This had taken years to do, and he was going to be surprised.
It seemed his day was getting worse.
Watching the news was priceless. Someone was in some serious shit, and that someone was a certain attorney.
Apparently, his wife had gone missing.
That was funny.
It was entertaining that it was leaked to the press that he was a cheater, and likely offed her.
He seemed like the kind of guy who would kill his own wife to keep some sluts in his makeshift brothel.
Here he was, walking around the town, thinking he was hot shit, and he was nothing but trouble.
Well, in trouble.
It was coming for him.
The months of continual lies, and the shit he’d tried to hide…
Someone was going down.
Yes, it was all over the news that his wife of seven years had gone missing, and he was the suspect. The only thing that could make it better was if somehow the bodies of the women he’d been banging were found.
Only, patience was a virtue.
It would happen in due time, and when it did, there would be a celebration.
His destruction would be swift. That’s what happened when you did someone dirty.
What was the word for that?
Yeah, that it was.
Someone deserved it for being a cheating, lying, scumbag attorney who didn’t deserve to walk in the same room with decent people.
He was foul.
He was disgusting.
He was…paying for it.
Or he would be.
Within the week, his career would be tanked, and it was absolutely amusing that he was on the news discussing how horrible it was that his wife was missing.