Page 253 of Icy Cold Death
Yeah, she wanted to see that happen in the worst way.
Once out of her mouth, the phone app went nuts.
The ironic thing was that Genesis didn’t remember putting that app on her phone.
Then again, it was best she didn’t dwell on it. This whole thing…
It was ridiculous.
* * * L I T T L E M O O N * * *
Twenty Minutes Later
Tori had texted her partner in this, and Bishop was waiting outside when they pulled up—ready to go. She had sunglasses on, and she was chewing gum.
She looked like a cop.
Tori could see her scanning the area, and that was something a soldier did, or a cop who was accustomed to being in some bad situations.
Genesis was honest.
“I still struggle with how pretty she is,” Genesis said. “She’s too perfect.”
Tori laughed.
“Bishop is an enigma. She’s one you’re not going to figure out. Wait until you see her, Honor, Laird, and Josh in action. They are the main players at the Salem PD.”
She wasn’t sure what that meant, but she guessed she’d find out at some point.
As they rolled up, Bishop got into the back seat and leaned between the two front ones.
“Hey,” she said.
Tori turned around, and when she looked at Bishop’s neck, there was one hell of a hickey there.
“Lordy, someone got down and very dirty with a sexy pirate.”
Bishop touched her neck, but said nothing.
That was alarming.
When busted, Bishop handed shit back tenfold. That was how she rolled.
“She’s worried,” Bethany said. “More worried than you were when Trey got behind the wheel and tried to drive to work.”
That was incredibly worried.
“What’s wrong?” Tori asked, taking the advice of the dead.
Bishop shrugged.